Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3109: Who is behind the scenes 4

Mu Haixuan looked at Mu Yue on the bed with concern, turned his head and said to Elder Mu, "Dad, take care of Xiaoyue here, I'll see how the investigation of the killer is going!"

"Okay, you go!" Elder Mu nodded, "I've already called your eldest brother and them, and your sister-in-laws will come and take care of Xiaoyue!"

Although he wanted to take care of Mu Yue very much, he was not only an old guy but also a big man. He couldn't take care of him well, and he couldn't worry about handing it over to the nanny. He could only call his daughter-in-law over.

The Mu family's matter has not been passed on to the Xiao family. After all, Xiao Junyan is still in retreat, and the Mu family did not expect this. They thought it was notified, so they didn't want to notify them.

Upon receiving this news, Ye Tianming rushed to the villa in a hurry and was shocked to see the situation on the second floor of the villa.

He didn't expect that someone would assassinate Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan. Are they tired of their lives?

"Where are those killers?" Ye Tianming asked the guards.

Ye Tianming also belongs to this department, so everyone is very familiar with it, and Xiao Junyan is still the second largest person in this department!

"The rest are dead, their identities are being investigated, and one is alive, sent to the interrogation room!"

Ye Tianming nodded, "I see!"

He also had to investigate who had acted on Mu Yue. He was about to see Xiao Junyan's situation when he heard a cry from inside.

"Boss!" Ye Tianming ran in and saw Xiao Junyan looking around in the room with a worried look, "Boss, what are you doing?"

Xiao Junyan raised his head, looked at Ye Tianming, and asked, "Where is Yue?"

"Little sister-in-law, she was sent to Mu's house!" Ye Tianming explained quickly.

Knowing that Mu Yue was only sent to Mu's house, Xiao Junyan relaxed and asked, "How is Yue?"

"I don't know, I haven't been there yet!" Ye Tianming shook his head.

He hadn't fully figured out the situation yet, he just heard that Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan had been assassinated by the killer, and he hadn't had time to inquire about the situation of the two of them!

Xiao Junyan frowned, and quickly walked out of the room, ready to go to Mu's house.

"Boss, don't go so fast, I'll follow!" Ye Tianming saw Xiao Junyan going to leave, and hurriedly followed behind.

However, Xiao Junyan flashed away and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Ye Tianming was taken aback and rubbed his eyes.

Ye Tianming stared in surprise and looked at the disappearing figure in the corridor. He couldn't help but cursed, "Damn, boss, is this a breakthrough? Why is it so fast?"

Xiao Junyan didn't know about his own cultivation base breakthrough, his mind was full of Mu Yue's situation.

Although Dongfang Sheng came and told him that Mu Yue was a blessing in disguise, but his eyes could be restored to light, but he was still worried and anxious.

Xiao Junyan hurried to the Mu family. At this time, many people from the Mu family had already arrived. The four aunts were all here, and Mu Hongbo and the others were also there.

Seeing the people in Mu's family, Xiao Junyan asked them quickly, "Where is Yue?"

Mu Hongbo rolled his eyes directly at Xiao Junyan, snorted and questioned, "You were asked to protect Sister Yue, how did you protect her, you actually hurt her!"

Aunt Four glared at Mu Hongbo, then turned to comfort Xiao Junyan, "Xiao Yue'er is okay, it's upstairs, you can go take a look!"

"Thank you Four Auntie!"

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