"That's not right!" Mu Haiye retorted with shaking his head, "They can do both, why would they stop planning?"

Although Mu Haiye is in business, after all, he is also from a political family, so he is very sensitive and understanding of these things.

If the Hua family draws closer their relationship with the Xiao family because of Xiao Kexin and Hua Shijie, they can continue to execute the plan first, kill Mu Yue, and then slowly figure out the resources of the Xiao family.

Although doing so, the success rate of killing Mu Yue will be reduced, but they will still do it.

Xiao Junyan raised his head to look at Mu Haiye, and said sharply, "My catastrophe! The Hua family knows!"

"The Hua family that Xiao Kexin told!" Tang Yalan returned to her senses when she heard it, and said angrily.

Only the people of the Xiao family and the Mu family knew about Xiao Junyan's catastrophe, and the only people who would betray them were Feng Jiahui and Xiao Kexin.

And Xiao Kexin and Hua Shijie had such a relationship, she must have told the news to Hua Shijie.

After Hua Shijie knew about this, it meant that the entire Hua family also knew, and all of this made sense.

"The Hua family wants to take advantage of Xiao Xiao’s death to obtain the resources of the Xiao family, because they are afraid that if Xiao Xiao dies, all the resources of the Xiao family will fall into the hands of our Mu family. Therefore, for the time being Abandon the plan and try to get resources first!" Father Mu tapped his knees with his fingers, and said, "I remember that at that time, Haihua told me that there was indeed some movement at the beginning, which belonged to the Hua family!"

Mu Haixuan was even more sure that it was not from the Xiao family's second room but from the Hua family. "After all, if the Xiao family's second room wants to kill Xiao Yue'er, it will not stop the assassination during the Chinese New Year!"

"They think that after Xiao Xiao's death, Xiao Yue'er will solve it better, and if you start when Xiao Xiao just died, it is estimated that Xiao Yue'er will not resist, and the best time to start!" Nodding analysis.

"It seems that the Hua family did it!"

In the end, everyone unanimously affirmed that the Hua family did it.

Mu Hongbo raised his hand and reminded weakly, "But, haven't everyone in the Hua family already re-entered prison?"

When everyone heard Mu Hongbo's words, they were taken aback, then looked at each other and said, "Hua Yuanzhi's wife!"

This is also the most sure of everyone.

The three males of the Hua family were in prison, and Hua Fengjun was sent to a mental hospital. Except for Mrs. Hua, no one else had time to commit the crime.

"I'll get her up right away!" Mu Haixuan angrily stood up from the sofa and said.

Xiao Junyan also stood up and said, "I will go too!"

"Where to go? Not allowed to go!" Elder Xiao stared at Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan.

Elder Mu also reminded with dissatisfaction, "You have no evidence, how do you go? Although the Hua family is down, we can't let others think that our Mu family bullies people. Without evidence, we can't arrest that. woman!"

Mu Haixuan clenched his fists tightly with both hands and made a giggling sound, "I'll look for evidence, and I will definitely prove that it was her killer!"

Hearing this, Old Man Xiao and Old Man Mu nodded in agreement. Both of them were very sophisticated and thought about it a long time ago, so they reminded Mu Haixuan that they were looking for evidence.

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