Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3121: New features of space 4

The good news that Mu Yue woke up and his eyes were restored to light made the Mu family and Xiao family very happy.

Although the thing the Hua family did caused some injuries to Mu Yue, she recovered her eyes because of a blessing in disguise. However, these eyes were originally due to the cause of the Hua family.

In the evening, everyone happily had a reunion dinner. Everyone was very happy. It was getting dark, and Father Xiao and them all left.

Dongfang Sheng did not leave, and stayed in Mu's guest room temporarily today.

Xiao Junyan asked Dongfang Sheng to remind him that he said about the Jiucai Stone at night and knew the security of the matter. Therefore, Mu Yue asked Mr. Mu to let the master stay, and Dongfang Sheng stayed without refusal.

At night, when Mr. Mu fell asleep, Xiao Junyan went to call Dongfang Sheng into the room.

But, how could this little movement be kept secret from Mu Haixuan?

However, this matter was meant to be told to Mu Haixuan, so Mu Yue did not let Xiao Junyan hide it from Mu Haixuan on purpose.

Mu Haixuan opened his door, saw Dongfang Sheng and Xiao Junyan in the corridor, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that Xiao Junyan was called Dongfang Sheng, he couldn't help but chuckle, worried about what happened to Mu Yue.

Xiao Junyan saw Mu Haixuan and said, "Dad, come here too!"

Mu Haixuan glanced at Xiao Junyan puzzledly, and followed them to Mu Yue's room.

Mu Yue smiled at Mu Haixuan, "Dad, wait a moment, I have a secret to tell you! You can sit down for a while!"

Mu Haixuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Mu Yue was okay, but wanted to open his mouth to ask about the situation, but was preempted, so he didn't ask any more, and first sat on the bed.

Dongfang Sheng sat on the stool and asked, "How about the fusion of the nine colored stones?"

"Very good!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "Moreover, after the integration, I found that the space is not only a little more, but a lot more!"

"Oh?" Dongfang Sheng raised his eyebrows when he heard Mu Yue's words, with a look of surprise on his face.

Mu Yue smiled, did not answer, but directly sent Dongfang Sheng, Xiao Junyan and Mu Haixuan into the space.

Dongfang Sheng and Mu Haixuan, who had been sitting originally, were almost forced to sit on the ground due to a sudden change in the scene. Fortunately, both of them had very high cultivation bases, and they both stood up quickly.

Mu Haixuan, who never knew the existence of Jiucai Stone, let alone the existence of this dimension, his eyes went straight, and he stammered, "This, this... where is this?"

"This is my space!" Mu Yue smiled and answered Mu Haixuan's confusion.

Dongfang Sheng also turned his head and asked Mu Yue in surprise, "How can you come in? Didn't you say that you can't come in?"

I thought that Mu Yue had said before that she could not enter that space, and he could not enter even the space inside his nine-color stone, so he understood this very well.

Mu Yue nodded and explained with a smile, "Yes, you can't enter when there is only one nine-color stone, but after the two nine-color stones are fused, the space inside the nine-color stone not only expands, Even my body can come in, and I can bring people in too!"

"Unexpectedly, the fusion of these two nine-color stones would have such magical powers!" Dongfang Sheng heard Mu Yue's explanation, with emotion and amazement on his face.

He didn't expect that after the fusion of the Jiucai Stone, there would be such a big change. It seemed that their mysterious doctors still had too little understanding of the Jiucai Stone.

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