After Ye Tianming interrogated the man, he seized the man used by Mr. Hua and locked it up, and admitted that it was Chu Xueyang who gave the money to him.

After obtaining the evidence, Ye Tianming took someone to Hua Yuanzhi's home and arrested Mrs. Hua.

The house where Hua Yuanzhi lives is their own. The other houses have been confiscated, and only this house is left for Mrs. Hua to live in.

Although Mrs. Hua wanted to return to her family to take it with her, everyone in the family thought that her marriage to the Hua family had caused trouble to his own family, so she almost squeezed her out of the family.

In the end, there was no alternative, Mrs. Hua had to leave her natal family.

Living in her own home, Mrs. Hua felt particularly aggrieved in her heart. After only two or three days, her hair was almost white.

Just as Mrs. Hua was sighing in the hall, the door of the room was knocked.

Mrs. Hua got up and opened the door reluctantly. Seeing Ye Tianming and a group of people standing outside, she closed the door subconsciously.

Ye Tianming pressed the door of the house and said to Mrs. Hua with a smile, "Mrs. Hua, why are you closing the door? Don't close the door!"

Mrs. Hua stared at Ye Tianming angrily, still pressing her hands on the edge of the door, "Ye Tianming, what do you mean!"

"It's not interesting. I just want to invite Mrs. Hua to come with us. Let's have a good chat!" Ye Tianming said to Mrs. Hua with an innocent smile on his face, "Regarding the assassination of Mu Yue by the killer, I want to ask Mrs. Hua some questions!"

Mrs. Hua, who has a guilty conscience, heard Ye Tianming's words, her face suddenly showed a panic, and she pushed the door with her hands, "I don't know what assassination is not, I don't know! Ye Tianming, it's best to leave quickly, otherwise, I will call the police. Up!"

"Hehehe, the person behind me is the policeman, Mrs. Hua, come with me!" Ye Tianming pointed to the people behind him and introduced him.

Thinking that this old woman dared to find a killer to kill Mu Yue, Ye Tianming didn't want to give her a chance to talk more. He pushed the door fiercely and pushed Mrs. Hua back a few steps, almost falling to the ground.

Madam Hua watched Ye Tianming and the others walk into the house, and angrily pointed at them and shouted, "What are you going to do? If you dare to come in, I'll call someone!"

Ye Tianming raised his head, rolled his eyes, and said contemptuously, "Old lady, you think you are a lady of Huanghua, if so, I would have a little thought about this young master, are already a cold old lady. It’s useless, right? Mrs. Hua, come with us! Take it away!"

At Ye Tianming's order, the people behind him rushed out to Mrs. Hua, surrounded her, took her shoulders, and dragged her out.

Mrs. Hua resisted with her feet and didn't want to go. "If I don't go, even if our Hua family collapses, you can't do this to me. You are adding fuel to the fire and will be cast aside by the capital family!"

Ye Tianming turned his head and looked at Mrs. Hua mockingly, "The person who should be cast aside is your Hua family. Your son has done that kind of conscience. He deserves to be incapable of giving birth to a son. There will be no chance again in this life. Doing that kind of thing, this is God’s punishment for him, your Hua family, you were playing to death by yourself, this is what you deserve! Madam Hua, if you don’t want to be ashamed, follow us obediently, maybe you can still See your husband and son again, otherwise, huh..."

"You!" Mrs. Hua stared at Ye Tianming resentfully.

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