Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3138: A good show outside the Xiao family house 3

Elder Xiao walked out of the house and saw that Xiao Kexin was standing at the gate of the courtyard with open arms, while Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were standing outside the courtyard, unable to enter.

Seeing such a scene, Old Man Xiao looked at Xiao Kexin's back and became even more dissatisfied and angry.

He finally let Mu Yue come to Xiao's house. This dead girl didn't let her enter the door of Xiao's house. This was just slapping him in the face!

Hearing the movement behind her, Xiao Kexin turned her head, and finally saw her grandfather, Grandpa Xiao coming out, with an excited smile on her face, "Grandpa!"

Elder Xiao snorted coldly, walked to the gate of the courtyard and glared at Xiao Kexin, "You still know that I am your grandfather! What do you mean, ah? How decent!"

Xiao Kexin was a little flustered in her heart when she was questioned by Elder Xiao, but she still quibbleed for herself, "Grandpa, things are not what you think!"

"What's not what I thought, I saw it with my own eyes!" Elder Xiao pointed to his eyes, "You stand at the door to prevent your cousin and cousin from entering, what do you mean?"

Xiao Kexin was completely ignorant of reason at this moment, was reprimanded, her eyes were flushed with tears, she continued to shirk responsibility, and pointed to Mu Yue and explained, "Grandpa, no, it's Mu Yue... it was she who forced me of!"

When Mr. Xiao listened to Xiao Kexin's words, he only found it ridiculous. Can this be forced?

"You're not over there to quibble!" Elder Xiao waved his hand and said coldly, "Mu Yue is what you can call? She is a sister-in-law, you should call her sister-in-law, and quickly apologize to your sister-in-law!"

"Let me apologize to her? Impossible!" Xiao Kexin stared at Mr. Xiao's command, pointed at Mu Yue, "Why should I apologize! It was clearly her fault, she faked your order, and these guards? The member was so angry that he wouldn't let me enter the Xiao family compound!"

When Mr. Xiao heard Xiao Kexin's words, he suddenly laughed angrily.

He didn't expect that Xiao Kexin actually thought that the order was Mu Yue's false transmission of his meaning.

"This order was given by me. Not only you, but even your mother can no longer enter the Xiao family compound. You, mother and daughter, are not allowed to step into the Xiao family compound again in the future!"

"What?" Xiao Kexin widened her eyes in surprise, looked at Grandpa Xiao in disbelief, shook her head, and grabbed Grandpa Xiao's arm with both hands, "Impossible, this is not true. Grandpa is your granddaughter. My granddaughter, I have the blood of the Xiao family on me, how can you prevent me from entering the Xiao family compound?"

Elder Xiao shook Xiao Kexin away from holding his hand, and said disgustingly, "I don't have a shameful granddaughter like you. When you shamelessly do something like that, I have kicked you out of the Xiao family. I don't recognize you as a granddaughter!"

Tears surged in Xiao Kexin's eyes, clutching her chest, crying to defend herself, "I...I was framed! I am also a victim!"

"Hmph, don't think I don't know, it was Hua Shijie you went to find first! That place, it was the first time you went, and deliberately approached Hua Shijie! You wanted to use him, but you were used!" The old man looked at Xiao Kexin mockingly and disdainfully, "I am old, but my eyes are still bright, don't think of my old man as old and confused!"

When Xiao Kexin heard this, her eyes widened in an instant with a face of disbelief. She never expected that Elder Xiao would be so clear about this.

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