Xiao Junyan followed Father Xiao to the study.

Father Xiao asked Xiao Junyan to sit on the sofa first, and he took out a file bag from a locker, went to the sofa, and put the files on the coffee table.

"Let's see!"

Xiao Junyan picked up the file bag from the table, opened it and took out the files inside, took a look, looked up at Old Man Xiao, put the files in the bag again, put them on the coffee table, and said in a deep voice, "Grandpa, I am now I don't want to leave Yue yet!"

Elder Xiao almost rolled his eyes with anger at Xiao Junyan's words, "Why leave? This is for you to work, isn't it for you to see Yue'er?"

"Yue still needs me!" Xiao Junyan still didn't change his meaning.

Elder Xiao was so angry that his fingers trembling and pointed at Xiao Junyan, "You, you...Are you going to **** me off?"

Xiao Junyan raised his head, looked at Mr. Xiao, and said faintly, "I'm protecting your grandson-in-law!"

"You are not doing your job properly!" Old man Xiao still stared at Xiao Junyan angrily, his expression of hatred for iron and steel.

The corner of Xiao Junyan's mouth twitched, and he fought back, "Family affairs, national affairs, and world affairs, naturally family affairs come first! Only when you have a home can you have a home!"

Within a short period of one or two months, so many things happened around Mu Yue, and every time it was life-threatening.

Therefore, Xiao Junyan didn't want to leave Mu Yue, and didn't want her to leave her sight. Only when he was there, could he protect her safety.

Old man Xiao smashed his mouth, he was speechless. This stinky boy is really getting more and more irritating, "You are a man of seven feet, who cares only about the affair of your children, you are not ashamed of it!"

"You will not be ashamed!" Xiao Junyan counterattacked lightly. He didn't care what others thought of him, he only cared about Mu Yue.

Elder Xiao squinted his eyes and looked at Xiao Junyan, "Don't you want to have stronger power to protect Yue'er?"

Sure enough, when Xiao Junyan heard what Elder Xiao said, he bowed his head in thought.

"Think about it!" Seeing Xiao Junyan's reaction, Xiao Old Man said with a cunning smile on the corner of his mouth.

Elder Xiao knew that if he only talked about himself, Xiao Junyan would definitely not agree, but if he talked about Mu Yue, Xiao Junyan would definitely agree.

On the other hand, Xiao Kexin returned home, feeling extremely angry, and told Feng Jiahui what Elder Xiao had said.

When Feng Jiahui heard what Xiao Kexin said, she didn't feel angry with both Father Xiao and Mu Yue, but directly gave Xiao Kexin a resounding slap.

"How did I give birth to such a stupid daughter like you!" Feng Jiahui pointed to Xiao Kexin's nose angrily and cursed.

Now Feng Jiahui really regrets that she gave birth to Xiao Kexin, which is really embarrassing to her, so stupid, she doesn't want to admit that this is her daughter, she gave birth to it.

The slapped Xiao Kexin stared at her mother in disbelief.

Just forget the old man Xiao who beat her. After all, the old man thought she was very dissatisfied before, but now her mother also beat her.

Xiao Kexin asked Feng Jiahui in disbelief, "Mom, are you hitting me? How can you hit me!"

Feng Jiahui looked at Xiao Kexin mockingly, "Why can't I beat you? If you weren't stupid, would I beat you?"

"I am stupid? Where am I stupid?" Xiao Kexin was scolded by Feng Jiahui for being stupid. She only felt anxious and stared at her.

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