Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3145: Good news from Chu Zhiming 3

"Anyway, Dad, you arranged the time after the college entrance examination, so I have nothing to do. Before you get married, I will help you prepare for your wedding wholeheartedly!" Mu Yue said excitedly to Chu Zhiming.

Chu Zhiming was moved by Mu Yue's words.

Although he paid a lot for Mu Yue, what she brought to him was already enough to compensate him.

Now, Mu Yue is still so devoted to preparing the wedding for him and An Qing. For such an unrelated daughter, Chu Zhiming's sadness to him is absolutely false.

"Okay, it's all up to you, but don't be too tired! The company still has a lot to deal with!" Chu Zhiming nodded, but still reminded Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled, grabbed Xiao Junyan’s words, and said, “Isn’t there still Junyan here? Before you get married, he will help me deal with the company’s affairs, and now it’s almost always Junyan who is giving me The mother-in-law knows the most about the company's affairs!"

"Yes!" An Qing nodded with a smile, and said admiringly, "I really can't see that Xiao Xiao used to be a soldier. I subconsciously thought that he used to work in the financial industry!"

Mu Yue smiled triumphantly and said, "That's right, so I can study all in a relaxed manner. I don't care about company affairs, so I won't feel tired at all!"

"Okay, very good, as long as you are not tired!" Chu Zhiming nodded, and gave Xiao Junyan a fate, let her take good care of Mu Yue, don't let her get tired, let alone make her feel wronged.

Xiao Junyan nodded and said solemnly, "Dad, rest assured, I will use my life to love her!"

"I believe it too!" Chu Zhiming also smiled.

Chu Zhiming still believed in and understood Xiao Junyan's character and his feelings for Mu Yue very much.

Knowing that the explosion in Jizhou Province was because Xiao Junyan used his body to press her under her body to save Mu Yue and prevent her from being injured. This shows that Mu Yue will not suffer any harm or grievance.

Mu Yue smiled and glanced at Chu Zhiming and Xiao Junyan, and said, "Dad, you will stay for dinner today, and Jun Yan will cook personally, as a son-in-law's meeting with the future mother-in-law!"

Listening to Mu Yue's ridiculous remarks made An Qing's face even redder, and she glared at Mu Yue scornfully, "You girl, what are you talking about?"

"I didn't talk nonsense. I was telling the truth. Aunt An's marrying my dad is my stepmother, that is, Junyan's stepmother. The stepmother is also a mother, not a mother-in-law, what is it?" Mu Yue Blinked and said slyly.

"Haha, good! Okay!" Chu Zhiming smiled and nodded in agreement.

An Qing stretched out his hand, pinched Chu Zhiming's arm, and gave him another stare.

Seeing the exchange between the two, Mu Yue glanced at Xiao Junyan and showed a blessed smile.

Mu Yue was very concerned about arranging the wedding of Chu Zhiming and An Qing, and immediately began to ask Chu Zhiming and An Qing if she had done anything, and what she had not done yet, what she needed to do at that time.

However, after sending away Chu Zhiming and the others, Mu Yue frowned and said to Xiao Junyan, "Jun Yan, investigate the situation of the Chu family. Only sister, I am willing to give them invitations. Other people, you Give me their information!"

If Chu Zhiming wants to marry An Qing, it will definitely be necessary to invite relatives from the Chu family. It will be a little trouble then.

"Good!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

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