"Disrepute? I want to see if you have this ability to make Mu Yue disrepute!"

Mu Yue walked out of the corner with her hands on her belly, smiling, and said to Deng Xuanjie with an arrogant and smug smile.

Deng Xuanjie saw Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan appear in front of him, his face was shocked, his eyes widened, "You... why are you here?"

And Su Mu and Mu Yunqing both showed shock and joy on their faces. They never expected that Mu Yue would appear here at this time.

"Mu Dong!"

"Mu Dong, why are you here?"

Both Su Mu and Mu Yunqing asked Mu Yue excitedly.

Mu Yue walked in front of Deng Xuanjie like a stroll in the courtyard, and smiled and asked, "Deng Xuanjie, what you said just now, I just didn't seem to hear clearly, I only heard the last sentence, you still said before What's wrong? I want to hear it too!"

"She is Mu Yue?" The pretty girl standing by Deng Xuanjie saw Mu Yue with a look of shock on her face, but she was quickly attracted by Xiao Junyan who was standing next to Mu Yue, and she could no longer look away.

Deng Xuanjie looked at Mu Yue, his body was trembling, I don't know why, when he saw Mu Yue, he felt a panic in his heart.

Moreover, he also felt a icy chill from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and his whole body was cold.

The chill that Deng Xuanjie felt was entirely because Xiao Junyan stared at him with cold eyes, like a cheetah prey in the dark, capable of killing him at any time.

Although Deng Xuanjie didn't scold Mu Yue's unpleasant words, but he heard him say that to make Mu Yue's reputation disgraced, this is what Xiao Junyan can't tolerate the most.

This was even more annoying than Xiao Junyan when he heard Deng Xuanjie scold Mu Yue, and even dared to ruin Mu Yue. Deng Xuanjie was simply tired of life.

"Su Mu, Mu Yunqing, you are all here, very good, I don't need to find you anymore!" Mu Yue smiled at Su Mu and Mu Yunqing, who looked at him with surprise on his face.

Upon hearing Mu Yue's words, Su Mu and Mu Yunqing both showed surprises and doubts on their faces, "Mu Dong, you...are you looking for us?"

This made them feel flattered, Mu Yue appeared in front of them this time, did he come to them specially?

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, I came to you specially. I am very satisfied with you. I want you to help me deal with some company affairs now. I don't know. Would you like it? What?"

Upon hearing Mu Yue's words, Su Mu and Mu Yunqing once again showed shocked expressions on their faces, and then they were ecstatic.

"Really...really?" Almost the two of them stammered and asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded, and said solemnly, "What Mu Yue said, naturally, I kept saying everything, how can I lie to you?"

"Of course we do!" Su Mu and Mu Yunqing nodded in unison.

After receiving an answer, Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Very good! I believe that you will have very good development in my company in the future!"

Mu Yue's words caused Su Mu and Mu Yunqing to feel that they were really like a pie in the sky. They hit them so hard that they couldn't help themselves if they were happy.

They didn't expect that Mu Yue actually valued them so much, and even approached them personally.

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