Xiao Junyan followed Mu Haixuan to the outside.

Seeing Xiao Junyan, Mu Haixuan hit him in the stomach with a punch. Xiao Junyan didn't fight back either, and took Mu Haixuan's punch abruptly.

Xiao Junyan frowned slightly, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and nodded to Mu Haixuan, "Dad, I'm sorry!"

Mu Haixuan retracted his hand, snorted coldly, and accused dissatisfiedly, "You still know I'm sorry, Xiao Yue'er is so young, you let her get pregnant!"

Xiao Junyan pursed his lips and said nothing.

Mu Haixuan finally sighed deeply and waved his hand, "Since we have it, then forget it. That's fine, as long as we work in secret, we can at least guarantee that the child will be born safely before they even notice it!"

"I won't let them hurt Yue and the child!" Xiao Junyan clenched his hands into fists and said firmly.

Mu Haixuan nodded, and thought for a while and said, "We will only compete at the end of next year. Try to conceal as much as possible at that time. You can still ensure the safety of your children. You and I must go to the competition. Xiao Yueer will definitely know that , Definitely can't hide her from her!"

The battle between the ancient martial arts world and the secular world is a way of communication between the ancient martial arts world and the secular world after the re-establishment of the country after war. It is once every ten years.

The secular world is the society where Mu Yue and the others live, for the ancient martial arts are all family children who study ancient martial arts.

Because of the transcendent existence of the ancient martial arts, the upper strata of China felt some hidden dangers, and even during the war, not many people in the ancient martial arts were born, which made the upper strata feel that they were uncontrollable.

However, knowing the abilities of the ancient martial arts world, the country also needs their existence, and the two sides are connected to resist external forces.

The ancient martial arts world regarded itself too high and was unwilling to help the officials of the Huaxia Kingdom, so the two sides signed an agreement.

That is, the ancient martial arts and the secular world compete once every ten years. As long as the secular world gets the first place in the total score of the team and single player competition, they can manage their ancient martial arts.

For this, the country also recognizes, after all, this society still has a sense of respect for the strong, and it is also easy to control the ancient martial arts.

However, since the founding of the country, due to the war, many masters in the secular world have fallen, and geniuses are hard to find. Compared with the lack of martial arts classics in the ancient martial world, the secular world has not yet been able to become the first.

Although there is no first place, but with the passage of time, the power of the secular world has gradually become stronger.

Last year, Mu Haixuan did not attend due to physical reasons, but Xiao Junyan, who was the deputy, had already attended once on behalf of people from the secular world.

That time the game did not get the first place, but also got the top three, which made the ancient martial arts feel a crisis.

This is why the ancient martial arts world has been so peaceful in the past two or three years, and no people from the ancient martial arts world have appeared in the secular world. They spend more of their experience on cultivation, especially training their own disciples.

The ancient martial arts world, who is accustomed to freedom, don't want the power that controls them suspended above their heads.

It is only in the first half of the year that the younger generation who participated in the competition will gradually leave the customs and gradually appear in their field of vision.

But at that time, Mu Yue's child was born, and the time was pretty good, but it didn't let them relax.

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