Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3331: They are legal husband and wife 3

Regardless of whether it was known early or only now, these many rich people have published instructions to Mu Yue in the newspapers, hoping that she can have an early son.

Yuan Xiao and the others also all published their blessings to Mu Yue. They are husband and wife. It is a good thing to have children, not a bad thing.

This is a matter for the husband and wife themselves, and no one else is qualified to talk about it.

Many company groups took the lead in congratulating them. Who would dare to slander Mu Yue over there?

Even for people with stubborn thinking, many are on Mu Yue's side. They are already legally recognized couples, and pregnancy is a matter of course.

Mu Yue looked at the marriage certificate between herself and Xiao Junyan in the newspaper, and the corners of her mouth raised, "Why did you upload our marriage certificate? It looks so ugly!"

"It's not ugly, it's beautiful!" Xiao Junyan smiled softly and touched the picture of you on the newspaper, and said, "It's more beautiful than ever!"

Mu Yue raised her head, narrowed her eyes, and looked at Xiao Junyan, "What about me now? Isn't it ugly? Yes, I am very decadent and have dark circles under my eyes!"

Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue into his arms and patted her back lightly, "How come? You are also very beautiful now, and your whole body exudes the glory of maternity!"

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "I found that you are really more and more able to talk now, and your words are getting more and more numb, and you couldn't say a word all day. Compared with Xiao Junyan, it's a far cry!"

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and looked at Mu Yue tenderly, and asked, "Why? Don't you like it?"

After surviving the catastrophe and experiencing life and death, he has been working hard to change himself and not let himself become so indifferent.

Although he was gentle in front of Mu Yue before, he wanted to be gentler to her and make her happier and beautiful.

"Like! How could you not like it! No matter what you become, I like it!" Mu Yue said with a happily smile.

She prefers Xiao Junyan now, because she looks more popular.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue with a bright smile, his eyes became deeper and gentler, and he lowered his head to kiss Mu Yue's lips.

However, before Xiao Junyan's two thin lips kissed Mu Yue's moisturizing lips, Mu Yue covered her mouth, turned around, and retched toward the bed.

When Xiao Junyan saw Mu Yue's posture, he knew she was suffering from morning sickness, and patted her on the back quickly, but in his heart he cursed the stinky boy in Mu Yue's belly.

He dared to hold, the guy in his stomach is definitely a stinky boy, otherwise how could he be so shameless.

Every time he wanted to kiss Mu Yue, Mu Yue would have morning sickness. It was so mad at him that he could only watch but not eat!

"Come for a drink!" Seeing that Mu Yue stopped retching, Xiao Junyan quickly took a glass of warm water and handed it to Mu Yue to rinse his mouth, and then take a sip of water.

Mu Yue leaned back against Xiao Junyan's arms, stroked his chest, and said weakly, "I'm fine!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue tenderly and distressedly, "It's okay, it's all right soon, we will never give birth again!"

Now he really regrets that Mu Yue has given birth to a child, but a morning sickness is so bad, and he really doesn't want to have another child.

Mu Yue smiled and said, "It's okay, I like children!"

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