Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3337: Helpless Fan Family 3

Mr. Mu received one call after another, and it was stated in the phone call that Mr. Fan invited them to come together to deal with the Mu family, but they did not agree.

Some people who were saved by Master Fan were a bit embarrassed, but they also hoped that Master Mu can take their face and not be completely killed. If you can save one life, you will save one life.

Because they have achieved this level of benevolence and righteousness, it is really the Fan family's own death, no wonder they are.

Yes, Mr. Fan had saved their lives before, but this does not mean that they were going to commit stupidity for the Fan family and ruin the entire family.

These old people like them are not easy to handle.

Elder Mu also agreed to these elders, as long as the Fan family can't kill them, they won't kill them all, at most they will be sent to prison.

After getting the answer from Mr. Mu, the old men can be regarded as grateful to Mr. Mu.

Elder Xiao sneered, and said mockingly, "Hey, whether the Fan family is old or young, they are too self-righteous and arrogant. It's time to teach them a little lesson!"

Their family Mu Yue has already agreed to Fan Jia Fan Rumeng's challenge, but the other party still refuses to forgive him. Instead, they still use the news of Mu Yue's pregnancy to denigrate his reputation, which makes them very dissatisfied.

I originally thought it was just the younger generations of the Fan family who had bad character, and they were not good at bullying them.

But I didn't expect that the old man of the Fan family was so unreasonable, and he threatened to deal with them, which is really ridiculous.

"Hehe, I think, in the end, few people should agree to the invitation of the old fellow of the Fan family. Even if there are so few, our Mu family is not afraid!" Old man Mu sneered and said.

Elder Xiao also nodded.

As Elder Mu guessed, until Elder Fan finished the last call, listening to the "beep" in the phone, he threw the phone in his hand to the ground angrily.

"Ingredients are all ungrateful old things!" Father Fan held the crutches in his hands and hit the ground fiercely, blurting out his mouth.

Fan Ziji sat on the sofa on one side, shut up and said nothing.

He knew it, and now that he has made a dozen or twenty phone calls, no one is willing to agree to the invitation of Mr. Fan.

This reality made Fan Ziji feel that the power of his entire body was emptied.

And Fan Ziji didn't hear the content on the phone, but Old Man Fan heard it!

Thinking of the people on the other side of the phone admonishing myself, they all had similar content.

"Old Fan, I'm so sorry, you saved my life back then, but now that I am old, Mu Yue has also saved my life. You two are enemies. I don't know who to help. I can only apologize. !"

"Oh, Lao Fan, you are really getting more and more confused! Your junior is guilty of muddy, do you want to follow it?"

"Lao Fan, it's not that I said you, why can't you think about it like this? Don't you know the status of the Mu family now? Alas, I'm really sorry. I can only refuse your invitation. I will not ruin my family. Yes, I remember your kindness, and I will help you keep your Fan family's blood!"

A sentence is still fresh in his memory, and his body is trembling with anger.

And he didn't know that with so many calls he made, there was also some news that the Fan family was troubled by the Mu family.

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