Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3341: Killing with a Knife 3

Old man Fan narrowed his old eyes, looked at Fan Rumeng, and asked, "You mean, let those western medical experts in foreign countries trouble Mu Yue?"

"Yes, look for a western medical expert from abroad!" Fan Rumeng laughed, nodded, and explained confidently, "We just have to talk about how Mu Yue slander Western medicine and how to look down on Western medicine in front of those Western medicine experts who think too much. I believe that those arrogant Western medical experts will come together to find Mu Yue's troubles, and we just have to stand aside and watch the show!"

Hearing Fan Rumeng's suggestion, everyone in the Fan family reluctantly went. It seems that they also think this method is feasible.

"We are Chinese, the national conditions of China, we can't resist, there is no way to deal with the Mu family!" Fan Rumeng continued to talk freely, explaining the reasons for his plan, and persuading everyone in the Fan family. Because of the national conditions, the country will attach great importance to the attitude of foreign countries. If those Western medical experts challenge Mu Yue, if Mu Yue should not fight, then we can take this opportunity to let those Western medical experts join the World Health Organization to find trouble with China!"

"Killing someone with a knife!" Old Man Fan showed a smug smile on his old face, and then he laughed loudly.

Now he also understands what Fan Rumeng said, and they are the power that needs to help them now.

Fan Rumeng nodded, "Yes, it's just borrowing a knife to kill!"

She was able to think of this idea because the person who called her reminded her.

All she has to do is to destroy the child in Mu Yue's stomach. If that time comes, she will work harder, move her hands and feet, create chaos, delay time, and have another dead body and two lives.

Thinking of this, Fan Rumeng really admired himself for being so witty.

"it is good!"

This shows that both Mr. Fan and the rest of the Fan family nodded their heads.

Now only those western medical experts from abroad can really slap Mu Yue and help them Fan family.

Who makes China now that no one else is willing to help them!

"Ziji, you immediately contact the foreign western medical experts you know, no matter what method you use, you must let them go to China to challenge Mu Yue!" The corner of the old man's mouth showed a tricky smile and commanded.

In fact, even if Mr. Fan didn't say anything, Fan Ziji would do it. Now this is his only chance.

"Yes, Dad, I know, I'll call right away!" Fan Ziji nodded and said excitedly.

"I know a few too, and I will contact you too, the more the better!"

Other members of Fan's family also expressed that they would contact some other Western medical experts. Together, they would be able to destroy Mu Yue.

Master Fan nodded, he was also thinking in his heart, looking for any living Western medical experts he knew, and asking them to come to China to find Mu Yue's troubles.

After all, the Western medical experts he knew had an extraordinary status in the world. As long as they came out, they would definitely be able to crush Mu Yue.

Seeing the rest of the Fan family move, Fan Rumeng's mouth showed a smug and excited smile.

With her ability and the status of their Fan family, there is no way to trouble Mu Yue, but others can.

Mu Yue used foreigners to stop them, so she would ask foreigners to trouble her, to see how terribly she died.

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