Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3343: Challenges continue 2

In order to increase the momentum of the college, the Western Medical College thought of a way, and that was to find Chinese medicine to challenge the competition.

In the past, the Western Medical School and Traditional Chinese Medicine competitions were not uncommon. It was just that Fan Rumeng and Xiang Tian competed with them.

It's just that Fan Rumeng won in the end.

Jia Yu took someone to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, found Qiao Huan, who was in a meeting with the student council members, and started tactics.

Now that Chinese medicine is like a rainbow, how can you endure Jia Yu's threat?

Jia Yu added a lot of anger to himself, and said to Qiao Huan arrogantly, "Qiao Huan, do you have any kind, and have a game with our students from Western Medical College!"

Qiao Huan leaned back in his chair and looked at Jia Yu, without any shame at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Jia Yu, haven't you competed before? And it's because our Chinese medicine doctor lost to your western medicine doctor. Do you want to compare?"

If in the past, neither Qiao Huan nor the other students in the entire Chinese Medical College would say this sentence with such a smile.

This is really not a good thing, it is definitely a big shame.

However, the status of Chinese medicine has not declined because of losing the game, but has been rising. Therefore, I don't care about this game at all.

When Jia Yu heard Qiao Huan's words, he felt furious. He also wanted to yell at the people from Beijing University. They did win the game, so why do they look down on their western medicine doctors so much.

"It doesn't count. It used to be a five-man competition. That competition was just a single individual. It doesn't represent our Western Medical School, so we have to compete again!" Jia Yu could only find other excuses and said to Qiao Huan. .

Qiao Huan smiled secretly when he looked at Jia Yu's a little annoyed look.

"Yes, I have accepted your challenge, when do you want to play?"

Jia Yu thought for a while. Now that the National Day is approaching, it is too late to compete immediately, so he said, "You must also choose people. Give you time. After the National Day, the 9th race!"

"Yes!" Qiao Huan nodded, and gestured to Jia Yu, "President Jia, please, we are very busy, and we have a meeting!"

Because if they do not accept the challenge, then the Western Medical School will definitely use all kinds of dirty actions to discredit their TCM School.

Even if Qiao Huan was unwilling to accept this challenge, she could only accept it, so she agreed without hesitation.

And Qiao Huan could only entrust this matter to Xiang Tianhe to participate, and now the only person in their TCM School who can handle it is Xiang Tianhe.

Even if the Western Medical College called Fan Rumeng, they were not afraid. If they lost, they would lose. Anyway, they believed that Mu Yue would definitely be able to find this son when he came out of the mountain.

It was only two months of sad days, and it was not that they had never had such sad days before.

"Humph!" Jia Yu snorted coldly, turning angrily in his heart and leaving the office of the Student Union of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

After Jia Yu left, Qiao Huan ordered to everyone, "I will report this to the dean. You should also arrange it first. Choose four students and one place for Xiang Tianhe!"

The members of the student union nodded. They all knew that even though Xiang Tianhe had lost, he was better than anyone in their TCM school.

The situation at the college is almost like a war between the two colleges is about to break out, and the entire Beijing University can feel the smell of gunpowder.

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