Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3346: Fan family was arrested 1

When Christopher Hampton heard what Howard Hawkes was saying, he nodded and agreed without hesitation, "Okay! Mu Yue is going to treat me. She hasn't recovered yet. Even I have to wait. , Some **** time, play with them! Let them wait!"

After being diagnosed and treated by Dongfang Sheng during this period of time, eating specially sent Chinese medicinal food, drinking medicinal wine and spiritual tea, I felt that I was living a life of gods.

Instead, he felt that he was not a patient now, and he didn't feel a patient at all.

This made him almost forget his physical pain.

Although the magical Chinese medicine hasn't cured his illness, he has convinced him that Chinese medicine will definitely cure his illness, so he waited until Mu Yue could treat him.

Moreover, he also wanted to stay in China for a longer period of time. It was really here, whether it was gourmet medicinal meals, or the medicinal wine and spiritual tea sent by Mu Haihua, he could not give it away.

He also investigated, knowing that these things are not available casually, especially medicinal wine and spiritual tea, which can only be purchased by high-level members, and they are still limited.

He was worried that if he wanted to drink in the future, he would have to buy a limited amount every month and every year.

Howard Hawkes didn't know what Christopher was thinking, and when he agreed with him, he nodded, "Okay, I'll make arrangements!"

Christopher Hampton said to his secretary, "Go and investigate the fan family. Don't touch the assets of Huaxia Kingdom for the time being. As long as you are overseas and cooperate with them, please remind them!"

After hearing Howard Hawks' explanation just now, Christopher was very angry with Fan Jia's so-called.

Therefore, Christopher is ready to teach the Fan family a serious lesson.

When the secretary heard the order, he nodded quickly and went down to make arrangements.

At this time, the Fan family didn't know at all, because their calculations brought themselves another powerful enemy.

Although Christopher is an oil tycoon, even the pharmaceutical companies of western medicine dare not confront Christopher.

Moreover, in contrast to offend Christopher, who belonged to the Fan family of China, they hadn't paid attention to it.

Fan family and their cooperation, Fan family begs to follow their cooperation, they can choose them at will.

After Christopher arranged things, knowing Howard Hawkes had just met Mu Yue, he asked, "Doctor Howard, when can Mu Yue treat me?"

Howard Hawkes said, "This pregnant woman has morning sickness, not so fast, and your wife did the same back then. It took two months to stop vomiting!"

Christopher nodded. He has a wife and children. Knowing Mu Yue's situation, he didn't care too much.

Moreover, his condition is also very good, and there is no need for Mu Yue to treat him in such a hurry.

"You can take care of this matter. If Mu Yue needs help, you can tell me!" Christopher smiled and delivered an olive branch to Mu Yue, expressing his friendly attitude.

He has decided anyway. After this treatment is over, he must cooperate with Mu Yue to deepen the relationship so that he can get the medicinal wine and spiritual tea. Even if it costs more, he is willing!

Howard Hawkes nodded, "Okay, I'll talk to Mu Yue!"

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