Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3367: Here comes the intercession 1

Elder Fan looked worried and asked, "Is there anything wrong with the child in Mu Yue's stomach?"

This is not because his old man is really worried about the safety of Mu Yue and the child in her stomach, but if there is something really going on between Mu Yue and the child in her stomach.

Then, their entire Fan family may be buried with them.

If it's okay, maybe there is still some room for turning around.

If you can't save Fan Ziji's family, you have to save other Fan family members, and let them keep a bloodline from the Fan family!

In the future, let them do their own things. He is old and can't help them anymore.

If he helps them again, it is estimated that he will be **** off by them sooner or later, and his old face will also be lost.

"We will go to the Mu's house in a moment to see the old man of the Mu's family. The main thing is to see your attitude!" an old man said to Mr. Fan.

The others also nodded one after another, they just wanted to know if Old Man Fan had to trouble Mu Yue again.

If they don't find it, they will report to Old Man Fan for saving his life. This time they show their face and have a try to see if they can save the rest of Fan's family.

Old man Fan gave a wry smile, knowing what these old men meant.

If he continues to be an enemy of the Mu family, then I’m sorry, although they have accepted his life-saving grace before, but they will not spend time with him over there, shame, this matter they will not tube.

But if he is no longer an enemy, perhaps, he will try to help him speak good things.

"I know this thing is wrong. After I get better this time, I will go straight back. I don't care about the outside affairs. As long as the Fans are okay, I don't care about their future affairs. If they There is still the heart to offend Mu Yue again, and the Mu family wants to kill or smash them, whatever they are!"

Elder Fan also expressed his attitude. He will not trouble Mu Yue, and hopes to let the other members of the Fan family go this time.

The other old men looked at each other and said, "The other sons are okay, but Fan Ziji's family, no, they are the most violent. It is estimated that the Mu family will not let them go, especially Fan Rumeng, who must die! You can use her. If one person dies, another person will live!"

When Old Man Fan heard this, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he was still a little bit disheartened.

"We can only do this to the point where we must give the Mu Family and the Xiao Family an explanation!" An old man reminded again.

The daughter-in-laws who had been silent in the ward all looked at Old Man Fan with expectant eyes, hoping that he would agree.

They felt that Fan Ziji's family had made the incident this time, as well as the thing made by Fan Rumeng.

Not only did he make Mr. Fan angry and leave the hospital, but it also made it possible for the rest of the Fan family to not come out. They all hoped that Mr. Fan could sacrifice Fan Rumeng or Fan Ziji's family.

For them, as long as they live well, they don't care if Fan Ziji's family will be well or whether they can live.

Elder Fan sighed deeply, and could only nod his head, "Well, if you can save the lives of other people as much as possible, let's save the lives of other people! She...I don't care!"

"Okay, let's go to the Mu's house to talk about this later!"

"This event is the last thing we did for you, and we can be regarded as repaying your life-saving grace to us back then!"

Hearing what the old men said, Mr. Fan felt very sad. The capital he had accumulated before was gone at this moment.

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