Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3369: Here comes the intercession 3

Father Mu looked at these worried old men after speaking, and asked, "If I say, I can agree to your request, but you will no longer have a friendly relationship with my Mu family in the future!"

When the old men heard the words of Mr. Mu, their brows were tightly frowned, and their expressions became a little dignified.

They didn't dare to underestimate Mu Yue's ability now, no, it should be because they didn't dare to underestimate Mu Yue's ability.

That is a genius doctor who can bring the dead back. If there is no friendly relationship with the Mu family, then Mu Yue may refuse to treat them because of the Fan family's affairs in the future.

They are likely to lose a lot of opportunities because of this incident. The family may never be able to step forward, or even regress.

This is very tangled for several old men.

An old man hesitated for a while and said, "I will bear it alone. If it weren't for Lao Fan, I would have died long ago, and I won't have my current status and offspring. Use me to replace Fan's family's life! "

Elder Mu coldly snorted and asked, "You are alone, with so many people in the Fan family, are you embarrassed to speak? In my eyes, as long as it is the person who hurt Mu Yue and the child in her stomach, it is me. His enemy, no matter what his position, is that one person can't change so many people!"

The meaning of these words is very clear. If the Fan family wants to kill Mu Yue and the child in his stomach, then the entire Fan family will be buried!

The expressions of several old men changed when they heard old man Mu's words.

And then, Old Man Xiao also spoke, mocking and looking at these old men with dissatisfaction, "Hehe, I gave you face at the beginning and didn't do anything, but in the end, old man, I finally hoped that such a great-grandson would be ruined by me. , Mu Jia can swallow this breath, the old man can't swallow it!"

The elders made a chuckle from the bottom of their hearts. They were very guilty, and their kidneys were weakened. What Elder Xiao said was just slap them in the face.

They had also sought out the Mu family for the Fan family's affairs, but they didn't expect to return the tiger to the mountain instead, and almost returned the fourth generation of the Mu family and the Xiao family.

Even if the Mu family let the Fan family go, the Xiao family would not agree to let the Fan family go.

An old man said, "Fan Rumeng is the one who hurt Mu Yue. If you want to die, Fan Ziji's family can die, can the others not do it?"

"Let the tiger go back to the mountain!" Elder Mu said four words, everyone understood.

The few old men felt deep in their hearts and glanced at each other, all hesitating, thinking about gains and losses.

In the end, the consciences of the old men prevailed, and they all said, "Well, after all, Lao Fan saved our lives. As long as we can save the lives of the younger generation of the Fan family, we are willing!"

These old men have all saved their lives, and some other old people have only been saved by Old Man Fan at best. If you find someone else, you might be able to save your life. You can also go abroad.

It's just that they were all rescued when they were young in the war. Under the circumstances at that time, there was really no rhythm that they would die without Old Man Fan.

Therefore, they have to do this, and they can only regret in their hearts. Why didn't they be more determined at the beginning, and don't let Old Man Fan get into trouble.

And because of this, they no longer have any relationship with the Fan family. The most is to wait for them to come out to suppress them, make them unable to stand up, and vent their hatred.

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