That's how Fan's matter was resolved.

Before the old men went home, they also went to the hospital to see Mr. Fan, and talked to him about Mr. Mu's request.

Of course, they also told the old man Mu's requirements and the conditions for them to his old man Fan.

However, there was also a lie in this, and it did not reveal the deepest purpose of Mr. Mu.

Only two conditions were mentioned for them to choose. The first is that they will sever all ties with the Mu family in the future, and the other is that their father’s family owes a big favor to the Mu family. What will happen to the Mu family in the future? You must help each other with all your strength, and you must step back if you have something to fight for.

These old men naturally said that they chose the second one.

I also told Mr. Fan that they would not owe Fan's family love in the future, but they only owed Mu's family love. Do not let Mr. Fan contact them in the future.

They can't get in touch with this old guy, they don't have the face to go to the Mu family anymore, or are willing to help the Fan family something.

Seeing these elders leave, Elder Fan closed his eyes almost desperately, with a painful look on his old face.

"Creating evil!" Old Man Fan sighed in pain.

His previous capital was all gone because of this incident, and all the connections he left for his descendants were also gone because of this incident.

In the future, even if he wants to find these elders, talk to them, maybe they will not be able to chat.

It is estimated that these old men hate him in their hearts.

Because he did not follow their advice before, he must be an enemy of the Mu family, and now they still owe such a big favor to the Mu family, instead of owing them more than the Fan family.

After all, your attitude of the Mu family is to respect them as the family, but the Fan family does not have such a situation. This is completely a loss of his wife and a loss of soldiers.

"Dad, can't the Mu family let our husband and son out?"

The daughter-in-law who accompanied Mr. Fan at the side, worried and asked Mr. Fan anxiously.

She stayed here with Old Man Fan, because she wanted him to save her husband and son.

Father Fan closed his eyes and shook his head, "Don't think about it, this is already the best result. If you want to hate it, hate yourself!"

He knows what his children and grandchildren are doing with the name of the family, but he thinks that there will be no problems with him.

However, I did not expect that this time I offended people who shouldn’t be offended. Not only did I get fainted into the hospital, but my children and grandchildren would end up in jail. All Fan Ziji’s family died. .

What did he do?

After he got better, he went back to the mountain until he died. He didn't want to go down the mountain anymore. Everything about the Fan family had nothing to do with him.

When the daughter-in-law heard what Elder Fan said, her face was full of despair, but a firm look flashed across her eyes soon.

She had to talk about this with other concubines, they couldn't accompany the Fan family down like this, they had to find another way for themselves.

At this moment, Mr. Fan didn't know at all, his daughter-in-law had already figured out another way out.

After all, these women are used to the wives of the wealthy family, and they can't live a bad life in the future. They have to get the money left by the Fan family first, otherwise, how can they live in the future?

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