Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3405: News from the Nangong family 2

"I don’t know if this Xiao Junyan will break through to the early stage of refining the Void and He Dao. Among these people, only Zhuge Jin of the Zhuge family broke through in the early stage of the Void Refining and He Dao, and the grandson of the elder of the Shangguan family last year. He is already a master at the early stage of refining the emptiness, at least there is a glimmer of hope of winning, other people, the cultivation base can not be 100% breakthrough before the game to pull the emptiness!" Elder Ming touched his beard, Said worriedly.

Nangong Yangchen nodded, and said with a serious expression, "If it weren't for two masters in the early stage of refining the virtual world, maybe we would have to lose the game in the young team!"

"Hmph! I think that Xiao Junyan may not be able to break through to Lianxu Hedao, but Zhugejin suppresses it, it is still possible!" Nangong Yan said confidently and disdainfully.

Elder Qing thought for a while, "Since we are out of the Ancient Martial Realm, they have also received news. I think that Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan will also meet with us. What is their level of cultivation? You'll know when you meet!"

"Yeah!" Elder Ming nodded in agreement, "The most important thing now is to help Miss Yuehua find a descendant of the mysterious doctor!"

Nangong Yan glanced at the elder Ming who proposed the task, and actually wanted to inquire privately.

"I asked you to investigate the descendants of the mysterious doctors, have you found them?" Nangong Yan squinted and asked the two middle-aged men.

The middle-aged men looked at each other and said, "We have some news about the descendants of the mysterious doctor, but we need to check if it is specific!"

"Is there news? So fast? I remember, it was hard to find before?" Nangong Yang Chen said in surprise after hearing this.

The middle-aged man reported, "It's like this. It used to be difficult to find, mainly because the identity of the descendant of the mysterious doctor is somewhat special!"

"Tell me!" Now that I had opened up, Nangong Yan wanted to know who this person was. He had to look for Nangong Yangchen sooner.

"What we heard was only rumors, saying that Mu Haixuan is your daughter, Mu Yue is the one hundred and ninth generation of Xuanyimen!" the middle-aged man reported.

Hearing the name "Mu Haixuan", the four people in the hall all sat up straight together, looking at the middle-aged man reporting in front of him, "What did you say?"

"Mu Haixuan? Is that Mu Haixuan?" Nangong Yan had a bit of gritted teeth.

The middle-aged man nodded, "Yes!"

A look of shock appeared on Nangong Yang Chen's face, "Mu Yue is Miss Yuehua's daughter?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded.

Hearing the middle-aged man's answer, the elder Qing slapped the table angrily and yelled angrily, "Why didn't you report this matter to the family?"

Elder Qing was one of the people who chased and killed Nangong Yuehua, so naturally he knew that Mu Haixuan and Nangong Yuehua had a daughter back then.

However, when they arrived, their daughter was gone, and she didn't find it after she died, and she didn't look for it in the end.

Unexpectedly, their daughter appeared now, but they didn't know.

The middle-aged man was scolded by the elder Qing, unable to withstand the powerful internal pressure, and quickly knelt on the ground, "Elder Qing, it’s not that we don’t want to report, but that we are threatened and monitored! It’s Mu Haixuan’s not. Let us pass this news back!"

"Yes! We tried it at the beginning, but we were all noticed by the secret service team, and the two of us were still detained for a while!"

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