Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3411: I heard from my wife 2

Mu Haixuan went to see Nangong Yangchen and Ming elders alone.

Arriving at the agreed place, in the box, there are only two people, Nangong Yangchen and Ming elders, but no Nangong banquet and Qing elders.

"Mr. Mu!" When Nangong Yangchen and Elder Ming saw Mu Haixuan, they both got up and greeted.

Mu Haixuan nodded to them, stretched out his hand and said, "Sit down!"

Nangong Yangchen and Elder Ming sat down and looked at Mu Haixuan. Elder Ming spoke first.

"Mr. Mu, I think you should really want to know, why are we looking for you?"

Mu Haixuan nodded and said, "I didn't want to know at first, but for the safety of my daughter Xiaoyue'er, I still come to see you. I want to know what kind of attitude you have!"

He doesn't have so much time now, chatting and drinking tea here with these Nangong family members, he has to go to the hospital to see his daughter Xiaoyue'er and the little grandson in his stomach!

When Nangong Yang Chen heard Mu Haixuan's questioning words so bluntly, some did not know what to say.

He wanted to say something polite!

Compared to Nangong Yangchen’s shallow experience, Elder Ming quickly recovered and said with a smile, “Mr. Mu, in fact, in our Nangong family, not everyone is against you and Miss Yuehua, and so are we. I hope Miss Yuehua can be happy, but because of some family affairs, something will happen!"

Mu Haixuan nodded, "I know this, and I know that your second elders are not in the same line, so I promised to meet you!"

Hearing Mu Haixuan's words, Elder Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, we came here just to tell you something that Miss Yuehua is still alive!"

"Ping Pong!"

When Mu Haixuan heard Elder Ming's words, all the cups in his hand fell on the table.

It's no wonder Mu Haixuan had such a reaction, it was because this news was too meaningful for Mu Haixuan.

He didn't expect that, he thought Nangong Yuehua was dead, but he didn't expect that she was still alive, still alive!

How can this keep him from getting excited?

"What!" Mu Haixuan didn't care about how hot the tea poured on him, and stood up awkwardly, leaning forward with his hands on the tabletop, staring at Elder Ming.

Elder Ming and Nangong Yang Chen had already expected Mu Haixuan to have such a reaction in their hearts, and they didn't panic.

Nangong Yangchen nodded to Mu Haixuan and said, "Mr. Mu, for this, I can still guarantee that Miss Yuehua is still alive, but, like a vegetable, she has always been in a coma. After that, the Patriarch spent a lot of effort and couldn’t rescue her. This time we came out not only to investigate the power of your secular world, but also the most important purpose is to send me and the grand elder’s grandson Nangong dinner together. Look for the descendant of the mysterious doctor, and take her back to Miss Yuehua for medical treatment. Whoever can succeed will be the true young master of the Nangong family in the future!"

Since it was showing a friendly attitude, Nangong Yangchen did not conceal their purpose of coming to the secular world this time.

Moreover, this purpose is not impossible to say, everyone is very clear and tacitly tacit.

In order to let Mu Haixuan know their friendly attitude, that's why Nangong Yang Chen said so.

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