At night, Xiao Junyan waited until Mu Yue was asleep again, got up carefully, helped her tuck the quilt, and then gently left the room.

After closing the door, Xiao Junyan walked towards Mu Haixuan's bedroom.

However, what Xiao Junyan didn't notice was that Mu Yue felt a little pain in her stomach, and opened her eyes again.

"Hiss!" Mu Yue lowered his head and touched his stomach, frowning slightly, and subconsciously said, "Jun Yan, my stomach hurts a little!"

However, he didn't hear Xiao Junyan's voice. Mu Yue looked up, only to find that Xiao Junyan was no longer by his side.

Mu Yue hurriedly sat up and looked around suspiciously, "Where is Jun Yan?"

Xiao Junyan disappeared in front of him, Mu Yue quickly got up, put on a piece of clothing, went to the bathroom and took a look, but no one was seen.

"Jun Yan?" Mu Yue walked out of the room, looked around, and saw light leaking from the gap in the door of Mu Haixuan's house.

Mu Yue frowned and walked towards Mu Haixuan's door.

However, before reaching the door, I heard the conversation inside.

"Is this true or false?" Xiao Junyan's voice reached Mu Yue's ears, "Do you want to set a trap to hurt Yue!"

Mu Yue paused, standing at the door, listening to the sound inside.

Sitting on the sofa, Mu Haixuan shook his head, with a cigarette between his fingers, "I don't know this, so I have sent someone to investigate. This matter is true and false. You will know if you investigate. Now, if Yuehua is still alive, this is good news, but if it is false news, then Xiao Yue'er must not be allowed to enter the ancient martial world, otherwise, she will be very dangerous!"

Xiao Junyan nodded, "I know, but at the end of the year there will be a competition between the ancient martial arts world and the secular world. Both of us must go. Then even if you don't want to know, you have to know, and you can't hide it!"

Mu Yue listened to the conversation inside, leaned against the wall, clenched fists in both hands, she didn't even know this.

I usually look at Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan as if they have been tit-for-tat, but it seems that they are hiding many things from themselves together.

"The Shangguan family members have already come out. They will never let Xiao Yue'er go so easily. Take precautions. I will let Mu Yu and the others take care of them in the hospital in shifts to ensure the smooth delivery of Xiao Yue'er!" Mu Haixuan Said to Xiao Junyan remindingly.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "Well, I know, I also asked Ye Tianming to make careful arrangements for the entire hospital. They also went to see it today. There is no problem. You can move in tomorrow!"

"Well, the safety of Xiaoyue'er and the children in her belly is up to you. I will investigate Yuehua's affairs. If she is really alive, that would be the best!" Mu Haixuan said to the end, The voice was slightly trembling and excited.

"Father-in-law, I believe this matter should be true. Mother-in-law must have nothing to do. You can survive, and mother-in-law can live too!" Xiao Junyan comforted Mu Haixuan.

Mu Haixuan nodded gently, "I hope so, just wait for the news over there, but, whether this matter is true or false, don't let Xiao Yueer know for the time being. I believe it, even if it is. If Yuehua knows, she won't blame me!"

"Well, I know!" Xiao Junyan nodded and stood up, "Then I'll go back first!"

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