Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3422: Energy riot, dystocia 1

Xiao Junyan accompanies Mu Yue every day, and who is by Mu Yue's side at night.

The breakfast was brought by Tang Yalan after preparing breakfast, and Xiao Fengyi was also with him.

"Mom, Sister Fengyi, you are here!" Mu Yue greeted Tang Yalan with a smile.

Tang Yalan smiled and prepared breakfast on the table, and said, "How do you feel?"

Mu Yue nodded, and asked Xiao Junyan to shake up the bed, and said, "Very well, the children are very good!"

"Eat some breakfast first!" Xiao Fengyi said with a smile, "Only when you have enough food and drink can you be able to produce!"

Mu Yue smiled and picked up Tang Yalansheng's porridge, and drank.

Xiao Fengyi couldn't wait to ask, "When will you be born?"

"Just these few days, it should be coming soon!" Xiao Junyan said as he looked at Mu Yue worriedly.

Seeing Mu Yue slept uncomfortably every night, she was still very distressed and worried.

But thinking that I was about to give birth soon, I felt relieved a lot.

Xiao Fengyi clapped her hands and said with a smile, "That's good, all the baby's things are ready at home, just wait for the little guy to come out!"

"Don't spoil him!" Mu Yue said in a dumbfounded manner. She was really worried that she would be spoiled!

Xiao Fengyi disagreed and said, "How could it be!"

Mu Yue smiled, suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach, the bowl in her hand shook, and she quickly put it on the table.

"Yue, what's the matter with you?" Xiao Junyan has been paying attention to Mu Yue's situation, and when he saw her holding her hands on her belly, he asked with concern.

Mu Yue frowned, did not speak, changed his breath a few times, endured the pain, and said, "Stomach hurts, it looks like I'm about to give birth!"

"Born... was born?" Xiao Fengyi's eyes went straight when he heard it.

Tang Yalan pushed Xiao Fengyi and quickly ordered, "What are you still doing here? Hurry up and call a doctor!"

"Ah! Oh, oh, I'll call it right away!" Xiao Fengyi recovered and ran out quickly.

Xiao Junyan sat on the edge of the bed and put Mu Yue in his arms. He was sweating profusely when he saw her for only ten seconds, and his face was a little ugly, "Wife, isn't it painful?"

Mu Yue bit her lower lip and nodded. The whole person was leaning against Xiao Junyan's arms, "It hurts, it hurts!"

"It's okay, bear with me, the doctor is coming soon!" Xiao Junyan quickly comforted Mu Yue, gently helping her caress her belly.

Mu Yue took a few deep breaths, letting Xiao Junyan help him.

Tang Yalan looked at Mu Yue, then looked outside, and quickly walked to the door again, watching Xiao Fengyi call people over, and said quickly, "Doctor, hurry up, show Yue'er!"

The doctor hurried to Mu Yue's bedside, opened the quilt, and examined her.

Mu Yue only felt that her legs were trembling, and looked at the doctor, "Doctor, is it about to give birth?"

"It's going to give birth, but this palace mouth hasn't been opened yet, so we have to wait for a while!" The doctor nodded, comforting Mu Yue, "Mrs. Xiao, please bear with me first, let's arrange it first!"

"Good!" Mu Yue nodded and leaned in Xiao Junyan's arms.

Xiao Junyan distressedly helped her wipe the sweat from her forehead, and asked the doctor, "How long will it take to give birth?"

"That's not good, let's see when the palace mouth will be opened!" The doctor shook his head and said, "Some people will be fast, and it will be opened in an hour or two, and some people may not be able to meet the standard in a day or two! "

"So slow!" When Xiao Junyan heard it, he felt even more distressed when he saw Mu Yue's appearance.

Mu Yue smiled, comforting, "It's okay!"

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