Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3424: Energy riot, dystocia 3

Mu Yue took a few breaths and said weakly to Dongfang Sheng, "Master, if...if I really can't hold on, me keep the baby in my stomach..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Junyan scolded and said, "No, I don't allow you to do this. I won't want this child. I only want you. Did you hear that!"

Mu Yue leaned against Xiao Junyan's arms, her body curled up because of the pain, "Jun Yan...I'm sorry..."

"Don't say sorry to me, I only want you to live and hear no! I can have no children, but I absolutely can't live without you, you die, I die, you live, I live!" Xiao Junyan's voice was filled with anger, also With determination, "Even if the child is alive, I will not live alone, did you hear that!"

Without Mu Yue, he might as well die.

Even if the child survived, he would not live alone, and he would not even look at the child. It was he who killed Mu Yue.

Nothing is more important than being able to live and die with Mu Yue.

"Jun Yan..." Mu Yue's voice trembled a little, "I beg you! Don't do this!"

Xiao Junyan’s tone is also very firm, and Mu Yue is not allowed to have any leeway, "I also beg you, don’t make such a choice, I said, you live and I live, you die and I die! I will not change. You know my character!"

Mu Yue said with tears in her eyes, sobbing, "Jun Yan, why are you so stupid!"

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and kissed Mu Yue's forehead, "You can abandon me for the child, and then I can follow you for the child! So, don't say these words of giving up, for me, the child will not become an orphan in the future. Must hold on, okay?"

Mu Yue nodded, "Okay, I...hiss..."

Seeing Mu Yue enduring the pain, Xiao Junyan hugged her tightly.

"Master, what should I do to help her?" Xiao Junyan looked down at Mu Yue and asked Dongfang Sheng.

Dongfang Sheng has been checking Mu Yue's pulse and checking her internal condition, and the frowns become deeper and deeper.

"Master!" Xiao Junyan yelled anxiously when seeing Dongfang Sheng's expression not so good.

At this moment, Mu Haixuan also rushed to the outside of the room.

"Dad, why are you all outside?" Mu Haixuan asked inexplicably when he saw Mr. Mu and the others.

Elder Mu said helplessly, "Xiao Yue's condition is very bad, Dongfang Brother is inside, and he is checking Xiao Yue'er!"

"Isn't it about giving birth? What's the problem?" When Mu Haixuan heard that the situation was not good, he gave a chorus in his heart and looked worried.

Before Father Mu could say anything, he heard Xiao Junyan's voice calling Dongfang Sheng in the room.

Mu Haixuan pushed the door quickly and entered the room.

"What's wrong with Xiao Yue'er?" Father Mu and the others also rushed in.

Xiao Junyan raised his head, looked at the group of people who rushed in, and shouted, "Get out!"

"What is your kid shouting over there? Is there something wrong?" Old man Xiao stared at him dissatisfiedly and asked.

Xiao Junyan looked down at Mu Yue in his arms, looked at her pale and painful face, and hugged her even tighter.

Dongfang Sheng waved his hand to the crowd and said, "You all go out, I want to treat Mu Yue, you are not suitable to stay here!"

Mu Haixuan stood up and said, "I stay here!"

Dongfang Sheng glanced at Mu Haixuan. Knowing that Mu Yue has room, he nodded, "You stay, everyone else will go out!"

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