When Mu Yue was giving birth in the delivery room, Dongfang Sheng controlled the energy in Xiao Junyan's body, and was busy sweating profusely.

"Okay, I have helped you control the energy in your body!" Dongfang Sheng wiped the sweat from his face and said, "For three days, I only give you three days. Within three days, you must hurry up This energy is absorbed, otherwise, you will explode and die!"

Xiao Junyan nodded, and jumped directly off the bed without taking care of the wound on his body, and said, "Thank you, Master!"

Dongfang Sheng waved his hand, "Go and see Mu Yue first, I'll take a break!"

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan said, his figure disappeared in the room and went straight to the delivery room.

There were many people waiting outside the delivery room. Mu Haixuan was also standing at the door of the delivery room, looking at the door of the delivery room a little anxiously and worriedly.

Xiao Junyan walked over quickly, Tang Yalan saw his son with blood on him, and quickly asked concerned, "Junyan, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom, I'm okay!" Xiao Junyan comforted Tang Yalan in front of him, and asked a little anxiously and worriedly, "Where is Yue? How is she?"

Tang Yalan said, "It is produced in the delivery room!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at the door of the delivery room and pushed the door directly in.

As the father of the child now, he can be allowed to enter the delivery room, and, Xiao Junyan's identity, who dares to stop it?

Mu Yue, who was in the delivery room, was lying on the bed specially used for giving birth, looking ugly.

The doctor wearing a mask had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and his eyes flickered at Mu Yue on the bed.

Mu Yue stubbornly grasped the edge of the bed with both hands on the armrest, "Doctor, can't you have a baby?"

The doctor nodded, "I haven't prescribed enough yet, so wait!"

Mu Yue lay on the bed again, looking at the ceiling with some hollow eyes. She only felt that the strength in her body was gone.

"Jun Yan!" Mu Yue murmured.

At this moment, a voice came into her ears, "Wife, I am coming!"

Hearing the sound, Mu Yue suddenly turned his head and saw Xiao Junyan standing beside him, calling him in surprise, "Jun Yan?"

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, and gently kissed Mu Yue's forehead, "Well, I'm here, I'll be with you!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Mu Yue's lips raised a happy smile, "Okay!"

"Does it hurt?" Xiao Junyan asked Mu Yue caringly.

Mu Yue shook her head gently, then nodded again, "Well, it hurts!"

Xiao Junyan covered Mu Yue's little hand with both hands, "Forbearance, it will be fine immediately!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded.

Xiao Junyan turned to look at the doctor, "How is my wife?"

The doctor stammered a little, "This...this, still...cannot give birth!"

"Why can't you give birth? Hurry up, if my wife and children have something to go wrong, die!" Xiao Junyan's eyes flashed with cold light, and a powerful aura pressed the doctor.

The doctor was actually oppressed by Xiao Junyan's body, and his body was trembling, "I...I will deliver the baby right away!"

He just felt like he was walking through a ghost gate.

He was very sure that if Mu Yue and the child really had something to do, with the strength of the Mu family and the Xiao family, it is estimated that the person who died was not only herself, but also her family.

"But... you can give birth, Xiao... Madam Xiao forcefully!" The doctor said to Mu Yue tremblingly.

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