Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3432: Void Refining and Combination of Dao Mid-term 1

Xiao Junyan returned to the room with Mu Yue.

Seeing Mu Yue sleeping tiredly on the bed, Xiao Junyan wiped the sweat from her face with distress, and held her delicate hand.

This is, Mr. Mu and Mr. Xiao walked in from the outside, and the old faces of the two old people were happy smiles.

When Xiao Junyan saw Elder Mu and the others, he stood up and said, "Grandpa! Why are you here?"

"Your son has gone to rest, and we will naturally come over!" Elder Xiao said with a smile.

Elder Mu asked with concern, "How is Xiao Yue'er?"

"It's just a little tired, now I'm resting!" Xiao Junyan turned his head, glanced at Mu Yue who was asleep, and said softly.

Old man Xiao nodded, "This time, Yue'er has suffered a lot. You must take a good rest. You can also take care of Yue'er here. Alas, old man, I can't stand it anymore. I have to go back to rest!

"Dad, I'll take you back!" Mu Haiye also said to Mr. Mu quickly.

Almost the two old men stayed up all night in the hospital.

From yesterday morning to now, they didn't know that it was already dawn.

The two old men waited almost all day and night to wait for Mu Yue, no matter how good they were, they couldn't stand it.

Xiao Junyan also said with concern, "Grandpa, go back, just leave it to me here!"

"Well, I'll leave it to you here, you take good care of Xiao Yueer!" Elder Mu also nodded, with a tired look on his old face.

Mu Haixuan said, "I'm also here with Xiao Yueer, three, you send Dad back to have a good rest!"

Mu Haiye nodded, and took Mr. Mu and they all left the hospital first.

Only Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan were left in the hospital, and there was also Dongfang Sheng.

Mu Haixuan looked at Xiao Junyan and asked, "How is your body?"

"I'm fine!" Xiao Junyan shook his head gently, "Dad, I may have to retreat for a period of time in three days. During this time, please take care of you and don't tell her about me!"

Mu Haixuan snorted coldly, "Do you think this is something you can hide from her? What excuses can you make? If you do, don't hide it!"

Xiao Junyan frowned slightly, his expression hesitant, he didn't want Mu Yue to know about this.

However, it seems that this matter can't find other excuses to explain his departure.

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan could only nodded, "I'll talk to Yue!"

"Then you stay here with Xiao Yueer, I will deal with other things first!" Mu Haixuan nodded and said.

Xiao Junyan turned to Mu Haixuan and said, "Dad, that doctor..."

"I know, I have sent Mu Yu to deal with this matter!" Mu Haixuan sneered, and said mockingly, "The Shangguan family really do everything!"

"I won't let the Shangguan family go!" Xiao Junyan said with a flash of light in his eyes.

Mu Haixuan snorted coldly, "I won't let the Shangguan family go, but before that, you should handle your own affairs first!"

Dongfang Sheng watched Mu Haixuan leave, turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan and said, "I will go to the next room to take a rest. If anything tells me, you can stay with Mu Yue!"

He knew that what the young couple wanted was to be alone, and his old candle wouldn't bother them here.

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently, and watched Dongfang Sheng leave the room.

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