Mu Yue was taken aback for a moment, then came back to her senses, and quickly checked her body.

It's okay if I didn't check it. When I checked it, my eyes widened in surprise, a little unbelievable, "I...I actually broke through the Void Refinement and the Middle Stage?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded with a smile.

Mu Yue still seemed to be a little unbelievable, "How could I break through so fast? Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"It’s not an exaggeration at all, the master said, the energy of the Nine Color Stones is very powerful. You were almost exploded by the energy of the Nine Color Stones before. If it weren’t for me to absorb the energy in your body, perhaps you would have been unable to withstand the energy long ago. If it breaks out, it's already dead!" Xiao Junyan said to the end and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Thinking of what might happen, Xiao Junyan was sweating coldly all over his body.

Mu Yue nodded suddenly, indeed, "Hey, my cultivation base is already higher than you!"

She never expected that she would break through so fast this time.

After thinking about it, he had suffered a burst of energy from the Nine Color Stones before, and his body must have been transformed again.

"Yeah, you are already in the middle stage of refining the Void and He Dao, higher than my early stage of refining the Void and He Dao, do you think your cultivation is pressing on me?" Xiao Junyan looked at the admiration in his arms dozingly Yue said.

When Mu Yue heard the words, an excited and triumphant smile appeared on her small face, "Huh, isn't it okay to press on you? In this way, you won't bully me!"

"Even so, I have never bullied you, only you bullied me!" Xiao Junyan heard this, with a grievance on his small face.

Mu Yue blushed suddenly, and pinched the meat on Xiao Junyan's arm, "What bullied you? It's obviously that you bully me every time, OK?"

Every night, Xiao Junyan bullied her and made her cry. Who was bullying whom?

Xiao Junyan gently kissed Mu Yue's forehead, "I will restrain myself in the future!"

Said it was restraint, Xiao Junyan was very uncertain whether he could really restrain it.

Treating the people he loves, Xiao Junyan always finds that it is useless to restrain himself.

Mu Yue also gave Xiao Junyan a skeptical look, "Huh!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue's appearance, but felt that he couldn't help but want to press her under him.

"Don't be angry!" Xiao Junyan squeezed Mu Yue's face.

Mu Yue still gave Xiao Junyan a sullen look, "I think you should go to retreat as soon as possible! I still want you to protect it!"

"Okay!" A touch of tenderness and determination flashed through Xiao Junyan's eyes. He nodded, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He lowered his head, his eyes gazed at Mu Yue softly, and he lowered his head and gently kissed the tip of Mu Yue's nose, all the way down, and kissed. Live on Mu Yue's lips.


Being kissed by Xiao Junyan, Mu Yue hurriedly pressed her hands against his chest, blocking him, "Don't..."

Xiao Junyan retreated and looked at Mu Yue in his arms apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't control it!"

Mu Yue angered and glared at Xiao Junyan, "I know you are bullying me, I think you should go to retreat! You don't have to worry about my affairs!"

Xiao Junyan chuckled, but he was unwilling to let go, "No, you can't let go of me, I just want to be with you, no one can stop me!"

Mu Yue suddenly rolled his eyes helplessly, letting Xiao Junyan embrace him.

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