The little guy drank Mu Yue's milk, a bright smile appeared on his little face, and he made a giggle.

Mu Yue looked at the little guy's appearance and felt her whole heart soft.

"Are you full?" Mu Yue nodded the little guy's nose with a loving smile, and asked.

The little guy seemed to be answering Mu Yue's words, and burped a few times.


When everyone looked at the little guy, they couldn't help laughing. They only thought that the little guy was so cute.

"This little guy will definitely be a handsome guy as handsome as your dad in the future!" Du Xueqin nodded the little guy's face and said with a smile.

Xiao Fengyi smiled triumphantly and said, "Of course, don't look at who gave birth to it!"

"I don't know if this little guy will be as cold as his father in the future!" Du Xueqin blinked curiously and looked at the little guy in Mu Yue's arms and asked.

"Hehe, I shouldn't!" Xiao Fengyi shook his head, "With younger siblings, this little guy can't get cold!"

Didn't you see that Xiao Junyan's personality changed a lot for Mu Yue?

Recently, she hadn't felt a bit of cold air radiating from Xiao Junyan, except for the one in the second room of the Xiao family, which completely angered Xiao Junyan.

"That's what I said!" Du Xueqin also nodded thoughtfully.

Mu Yue smiled, she also felt that her son shouldn't be like Xiao Junyan.

"By the way, has the baby's name been taken?" Mu Yue looked up suspiciously and asked everyone.

Elder Mu shook his head, "Not yet, some old guy doesn't want me to choose a name!"

"Hmph, it's obviously the name you didn't agree to give me!" Old man Xiao snorted coldly, and said dissatisfiedly.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard the two old men arguing over there, so naturally she understood.

"Anyway, if you have a big name, think about your two grandpas, let's think of a nickname first!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Mu Haixuan nodded, and said to Mu Yue, "Xiao Yue'er, you take it, you are a great hero, it's up to you to take the nickname!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, "Yes!"

Mu Yue looked at the little guy who was looking at him with his big dark eyes turned in his arms, a doting and loving smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Just call him a little stone!"

Thinking of the energy of the Jiucai Shi riot in her body before, she hoped that the little guy could be like Jiucai Shi.

"Little stone, good good!" Old man Xiao smiled and nodded.

Elder Mu played with Little Stone's hand with happy fingers, and introduced himself, "Little Stone, I am your great-grandfather!"

"Little Stone, I am your great-grandfather!" Elder Xiao said to the little guy without showing any weakness.

However, the little guy seemed to ignore the two old men being "jealous" over there, and his little head tilted towards his mother's arms, and the little head arched and arched in her arms.

"You little guy, Grandpa Zeng and Grandpa Zeng greet you!" Mu Yue dug the little guy out of her arms with some helplessness and dumbfounding, and patted her back gently.

"This little guy, really sticks to you!" Tang Yalan looked at it and said with a smile, "However, it is normal for a child to stick to his mother!"

Mu Yue smiled helplessly, letting the little guy "do whatever he wanted" in his arms, and was thankful that some guy was not here.

It is estimated that Xiao Junyan will be jealous here.

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