Mu Haixuan took away Nangong Yan and Elder Qing. Among them was Elder Ting of the Shangguan family. Nangong Yangchen was shocked when he heard the news.

"Are you serious?" Nangong Yang Chen asked Elder Ming in surprise.

Elder Ming nodded with a smile, and said, "It's true!"

"Haha!" Nangong Yangchen laughed happily and said mockingly, "Nangong Yan is really stupid! How did he offend Mu Haixuan!"

Elder Ming drank a cup of tea and explained with a smile, "I heard that it was Nangong Banquet and Elder Ting of the Shangguan family who made hands and feet when Mu Yue gave birth. Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan found evidence and shut them down. Get up, I guess, I won't be able to get out for a while!"

"Heh, I think he deserves it!" Nangong Yang Chen sneered and said with contempt.

Elder Ming squinted his eyes and said analytically, “That’s because he didn’t want Mu Yue to return to the Nangong family to cure Nangong Yuehua’s illness. What happened back then was revealed. Then, there is nothing in the elder’s line. Chance!"

Regarding the purpose of Nangong Banquet, Elder Ming was very clear about it, and he had to do it if he didn't do it, and he had no choice, so he was gambling.

However, in this gambling, God did not stand on their side, but buried himself in it.

"Yeah!" Nangong Yang Chen nodded and asked curiously, "Elder Ming, what do you say we should do? Do you want to pass this matter back to the family? Do you want to find Mu Haixuan?"

Elder Ming shook his head and said, "For now, don't pass this incident back! Just let them shut down!"

"It's so closed?" Nangong Yangchen frowned when he heard the words, a little puzzled and worried, "If we don't pass this news back, other families will also have news back!"

Elder Ming chuckled lightly, and said relaxedly, "We can leave the capital first, and then we will go out to find the descendants of the mysterious doctor as a reason, and I don't know where the Nangong Banquet is going!"

Nangong Yangchen laughed happily and nodded in agreement, "Okay, just do it. Since they have done things that shouldn't be done, let them pay for what they do, we don't care!"

He also wished that they could not go back to the Nangong family for a dinner in Nangong, so they were locked up like this, so that the young master's seat would be his.

"So we are waiting for development, we will pack up and leave as soon as possible today!" Elder Ming reminded Nangong Yang Chen.

"Yeah!" Nangong Yangchen nodded, and went to prepare to leave the capital, but reminded Elder Ming, "Although we are leaving, we still have to send a generous gift to Mu Yue to celebrate her smooth birth and birthday. Next son!"

Elder Ming also nodded in agreement, "Okay, I will send someone to prepare!"

It can be said that the great elder line has no chance, now it is necessary to have a good relationship with Mu Yue, anyway, this is no loss for them.

And this news also spread to the ears of other families, but they just smiled, and they have already decided to watch the drama on the side, naturally they will not pass the news back to the family.

Elder Ting, Nangong Yan, and Elder Qing were just hanging out there, locked in a dark room, unable to get out for a while, and tortured by Mu Haixuan's inhuman poison, it was simply life worse than death.

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