"Smelly boy, you can be regarded as coming back!" Tang Yalan yelled with joy and dissatisfaction when she saw the person at the door.

Hearing Tang Yalan's words, Mu Yue raised his head and saw Xiao Junyan walking in.

"Jun Yan!" Mu Yue saw Xiao Junyan and the stubble on his face, and his eyes were a little red.

Xiao Junyan walked quickly to the bed, took Mu Yue into his arms, and hugged him tightly, "Wife! I'm back!"

"Jun..." Mu Yue's eyes were filled with tears, and she wanted to talk, but suddenly there was a cry of a baby.

Tang Yalan heard the cry of her baby grandson, rushed over, pushed Xiao Junyan away, and cursed dissatisfiedly, "Smelly boy, can you do something good to hurt your son, baby, no Cried."

At this time, Tang Yalan definitely had the rhythm that his grandson had forgotten his son.

Mu Yue also quickly lowered his head to comfort the son in his arms, and quickly nursed him, gently patting his back with his hand.

Xiao Junyan who pushed away was completely ignored as a rhythm of air.

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes and looked at the little guy in Mu Yue's arms, with a cold air on his body.

If it wasn't for the little guy in Mu Yue's arms to be his son, he would definitely pull him up and throw him out.

Mu Yue comforted his crying son, looked up at Xiao Junyan, saw his face full of stubble, and said concerned, "Jun Yan, you should take a shower first, you haven't cleaned this retreat properly!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Xiao Junyan glanced at her tenderly and nodded, "Okay!"

Xiao Junyan took his clothes from the cupboard and went to the bathroom to take a shower first.

From the retreat to the present, he has not taken a shower, his beard has not been shaved, and his clothes have not been changed.

As soon as he came out, he hurried home to see Mu Yue. No matter where he thought of washing himself, his body smelled a little bit too.

Xiao Junyan's speed was very fast, and his son walked out of the bathroom refreshedly before he finished drinking.

Tang Yalan also took it to wash after Xiao Junyan changed the dirty clothes, and only Mu Yue and the child were left in the room.

"Wife, I miss you!" Xiao Junyan was sitting on the side of the bed this time, holding her in his arms from behind Mu Yue, burying his head in the hair on Mu Yue's neck, sniffing her deeply The smell of the body.

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan who was tired of him, and was a little bit dumbfounded. How could he feel that Xiao Junyan would have to stick to himself like his son after coming out of retreat.

"While going, I'm going to breastfeed your son!" Mu Yue pushed Xiao Junyan on his shoulder anger, reminding him.

Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue from behind, watching the little guy sipping milk chucking, his big dark eyes turned around excitedly.

"Smelly boy!" Xiao Junyan gritted his teeth a little, this clearly belonged to his seat, and was actually occupied by this stinky boy.

Mu Yue turned his head and smiled at Xiao Junyan, "What's wrong? This is your son!"

"Find her a nanny!" Xiao Junyan narrowed his eyes and said suggestingly.

Mu Yue laughed out loud, she said, this guy is very jealous.

"You think too much, if you do this, the two old men will not let you go first!" Mu Yue said angrily.

Xiao Junyan's handsome face flashed unpleasantly, but he was helpless, "We won't give birth anymore!"

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