Tang Yalan saw her son disturb her grandson's milk, she watched directly in the room, lest Xiao Junyan do anything to bully her grandson.

It wasn't until the little guy was finally full that he stopped.

The little guy is full of energy, not like other children. After drinking the milk, he starts to sleep, still dancing in Mu Yue's arms.

Instead, this little guy seemed to play with strength after he finished his milk.

Xiao Junyan walked to the bed, looked at the little guy in Mu Yue's arms, and said, "Mom, take him out!"

He still needs to be gentle with his wife, this brat is really an eyesore.

Tang Yalan glared at Xiao Junyan angrily, but she also knew that her son and daughter-in-law hadn't seen each other for a long time, so she must have a lot to say.

"Okay, I'll take him out!" Tang Yalan nodded, and clapped her hands at the little guy, "Little baby, come, grandma takes you out to play!"

However, the little guy seemed to understand Tang Yalan's words, but he didn't save her face, and he went into Mu Yue's arms again.

The little guy didn't want to go out, but Tang Yalan still carried him out.

Just as soon as he was taken out, the little guy squashed his mouth and started to cry.

The little head was still leaning towards Mu Yue, and a pair of fleshy little hands greeted Mu Yue, don't hold Tang Yalan, ask her mother to hold him.

"Mom, hurry out!" Xiao Junyan directly blocked Mu Yue's body. Mu Yue's angry behavior made Mu Yue laugh and cry and raised his hand to support his forehead.

Tang Yalan nodded, holding the little guy out while patted his back to comfort him, "Baby, your father doesn't want you, grandma wants you, grandma takes you to play!"

Seeing Tang Yalan leave the room, Xiao Junyan closed the door first.

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan's behavior and sighed deeply, "Can you not be so naive?"

Xiao Junyan walked to the bed and put her in his arms, his forehead and her forehead pressed together, "Don't want me?"

"Yes!" Mu Yue nodded, but still said helplessly, "It's just that you are jealous of your son, is it necessary?"

Xiao Junyan said domineeringly, "You are mine!"

"Okay, I'm yours!" Mu Yue nodded in a dubious manner, and could only respond to what he said.

Eating your own son’s jealousy, this guy is probably the only one in the world, right?

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and asked Mu Yue's cheek softly, and finally fell on Mu Yue's two cherry lips.

Mu Yue's eyes widened, and he subconsciously pushed Xiao Junyan with both hands, but he was quickly held down by him, and she gradually sank, and wrapped her hands around his neck.

"Bump!" Xiao Junyan pressed Mu Yue to the bed, and the two kissed passionately.

Since knowing that Mu Yue was pregnant, Xiao Junyan, who had never eaten meat, could not suppress the flames in her body.

Originally, he didn't have any control over Mu Yue, but now he finally opened up, kissing Mu Yue under him fiercely.

"My wife I love you!"

Listening to Xiao Junyan's dull and dull words, Mu Yue felt helpless, but she also felt distressed for Xiao Junyan, knowing that he had endured a lot of pain.

"Me too!" Mu Yue's mouth showed a sweet smile, and took the initiative to meet Xiao Junyan's moisturizing lips.

A gleam of light flashed in Xiao Junyan's eyes, and his hands were about to start up and down. Suddenly, a baby's cry sounded in the room.

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