After Xiao Junyan came out of retreat, Mu Yue directly entrusted Mu Yue to do the things at home, especially to take care of the little guy.

Moreover, even if Mu Yue wanted to do it, Xiao Junyan would not allow her to do it.

After all, she stayed with Mu Yue for a while, because she was worried that Mu Yue had just given birth and didn't really come again, but at least she demanded something from Mu Yue fiercely.

Mu Yue was lying on the bed exhausted, not wanting to move anything, just wanting to sleep.

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and kissed Mu Yue's cheek, tucked the quilt for her, and hugged her into his arms.

Tang Yalan hugged the little guy who woke up because he couldn't find his mother, and saw her son and daughter-in-law walking over with the crying little guy, "I'll leave it to you, this stinky guy doesn't give me face!"

It's so annoying that the big and the little brats don't give her face.

Mu Yue wanted to get up, but was held down by Xiao Junyan, "I'm coming!"

Xiao Junyan got up quickly, walked in front of Tang Yalan, took the little guy into his arms, and let him lean on his chest.

The little guy leaned on Xiao Junyan's chest, although it was not as soft as Mu Yue's chest, but it gave him a very safe feeling and made him depend on it.

A pair of fleshy hands grabbed the collar of his chest, shrugged his shoulders, and sobbed softly.

Xiao Junyan gently patted the little guy on the back. This force is also when he usually comforts Mu Yue. Please pat her back with a little bit less force.

Although she can't take care of children, but when Mu Yue was pregnant, she read a lot of books.

When I first saw the little guy, I was a little shocked for a while, so I was not as skilled as I am now.

Tang Yalan saw that her son was doing very well, and she felt relieved, and left the room first, "What do you want for lunch?"

"Anything!" Xiao Junyan said lightly, looking down at the little guy in his arms.

Tang Yalan nodded, "Then I will do something casually!"

Xiao Junyan walked around in the room holding the little guy, but didn't put him on the bed to disturb Mu Yue.

Mu Yue lay on the bed, turned around and watched Xiao Junyan walking around in the room holding the little guy, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The little guy leaned in Xiao Junyan's arms and was soothed quickly, and stopped crying.

"Yeah..." The little guy was in Xiao Junyan's arms, with his little head tilted up, his small mouth babbling, as if talking to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan stretched out his fingers and lightly nodded the little guy’s mouth. The little guy stretched out his little tongue, licked it, and then opened his mouth, holding Xiao Junyan’s fingers in his mouth, a pair of fleshy The little hand firmly grasped Xiao Junyan's big wrist and sucked hard.

"Little greedy ghost!" Xiao Junyan's mouth raised a shallow arc, and there was a little more tenderness and pampering in his eyes.

Mu Yue smiled as she watched Xiao Junyan's interaction with the little guy.

Xiao Junyan turned his head to look at Mu Yue, his eyes became more gentle and petting, and walked to the bedside, "The little guy likes me very much!"

"Yes! This may be the blood connection!" Mu Yue smiled, propped up his body, and squeezed the little guy's cheek.

The little guy opened his mouth, revealed a brilliant toothless smile, and made a giggle.

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