As soon as Xiao Junyan saw the little guy's pee, he flashed away and quickly avoided.

A joke, Xiao Junyan's cultivation is now the peak of Void Refining and He Dao, and he can immediately break through to the peak of Void Refining and He Dao. How could this little guy's urine "attack" it.

Xiao Junyan narrowed his eyes and looked at the little guy lying on the bed.

The little guy didn't seem to see that his target was "attacked" by himself. The chubby little face showed an aggrieved expression, and his eyes began to flow with tears again.

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't hold back again, and fell on the bed with his belly laughing. This father and son really made her look so funny!

It is estimated that he is the only baby who can do what his son does.

I can only say that my son is really different.

Xiao Junyan took the wet diaper and wiped his ass, "Smelly boy, it's good, but you are still too tender!"

Stinky boy, dare to fight him as an old man. It's too pediatric.

When Mu Yue heard Xiao Junyan's words, the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely. She felt that her future life would be very rich.

Xiao Junyan got a new dry diaper and put it on for the little guy, but the craftsmanship was a bit rusty. When it was just being taken apart, he studied how to take it off, and how to put it on now.

However, the diaper was crooked and twisted, causing the little guy to grunt unsatisfactorily. His body was twisted and his mouth was flat all the time. He was very dissatisfied with Xiao Junyan's "masterpiece"!

Xiao Junyan didn't pay attention to whether this little guy was feeling well, and picked him up, patted his **** lightly, as punishment for daring to calculate him just now.

"My dear son, you did a great job!" Mu Yue smiled so much that her stomach hurts, but she still gave her little baby a thumbs up.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue helplessly, sat on the side of the bed, and asked, "It looks good?"

Mu Yue nodded, but shook his head quickly, and said with a grin, "Why? It's not pretty at all!"

Xiao Junyan stretched out his fingers and flicked Mu Yue's forehead lightly, "Punish!"

Mu Yue touched her forehead and stuck her tongue out, looking a bit aggrieved and pitiful.

The little guy who was held in Xiao Junyan's arms and leaned on his chest, saw Xiao Junyan flick Mu Yue's forehead, raised his head and looked at Xiao Junyan with big eyes, his small mouth began to babble.

Xiao Junyan looked down at his son and chuckled lightly, "Smelly boy!"

The little guy held his fleshy little fist and waved wildly in the air, seeming to be fighting against Xiao Junyan.

Seeing the little guy’s behavior, Mu Yue only felt that her whole heart had become cute and soft. He took the little guy from Xiao Junyan’s arms, gave him a fierce kiss on his little cheek, and praised, “Son, Really good!"

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes to watch Mu Yue's actions, and put his face in front of her, begging, "I want too!"

"Go on one side!" Mu Yue turned Xiao Junyan's face to one side in an angry manner.

The little guy suddenly giggled, seeming to be mocking his father for being so naive, and the vinegar bucket was knocked over again.

Xiao Junyan squinted his eyes and looked at his son who had always been against him.

Mu Yue pressed the little guy to his chest, and stared at Xiao Junyan angrily, "Don't bully him!"

"No!" Xiao Junyan's voice was a little aggrieved, this is definitely the rhythm of having his son forgotten her husband.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded, grabbed Xiao Junyan's shoulders, tilted her head and kissed his cheek, "Okay, don't be angry!"

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