Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3457: Baby's Full Moon Feast 3

Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue walked fast and went upstairs first, but it took some time for the old men to get up.

The little guy's appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

However, Xiao Junyan held the little guy because he had a fight with his father for a while, and his little head was buried in his arms and didn't want to come out.

Seeing today's little protagonist shopping mall, everyone came together one after another, wanting to get close to Mu Yue, and also want to see this little guy.

The little guy is still very small now, he was hugged by Xiao Junyan on his chest again, his big hands and his small face were covered, and everyone wanted to see it and couldn't see it.

Mu Yue greeted everyone with a smile, and helped the little guy receive a lot of small gifts, nothing more than a variety of gold and silver jewelry, which symbolized the healthy growth of children.

Although Mu Yue refused to let them prepare gifts, just to celebrate the birth of the little guy, everyone didn't think so. They all came in person and took the gifts.

"Little stone, little baby, I'm your godmother, come, call and listen!" Mu Zhitong excitedly greeted the little guy in Xiao Junyan's arms, "As long as you call, godmother will give you a good thing. !"

It's just that the little guy is in a bad mood and doesn't want to pay attention to these people, and his little head is buried deeper, only giving everyone a arrogant little back.

"Smelly boy, you don't even give me face!" Mu Zhitong stomped her feet, a little depressed, seeing the little guy ignore her.

Mu Yue smiled and comforted Mu Zhitong and others, "I just woke up, a little awkward!"

Mu Zhitong curled her lips, knowing that children are like this, "Well, forgive you for this stinky boy!"

After that, he still slapped the little guy's little ass, which was a little punishment for ignoring.

The little guy was awkward, and everyone didn't say anything, but couldn't see the real face of the little guy. After all, the photo was a photo, and the real face was still a little different.

The look of the photo is very cute, and the small face is chubby, so people can't help but want to pinch.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan walked to the seats under the rostrum together, and several old men walked over with a smile.

"Smelly boy, you are so lucky!" Yu Lao said sourly at Xiao Junyan, who was sitting on the chair and changed the position of the little guy. A smart and lovely son, you have accumulated eight lifetime blessings!"

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Well! I won't let anyone take her away!"

When the old man heard the words, he hummed and gave the little guy a gift, "My dear, this is the long-lived hundred-year-old lock given to you by the imperial grandfather, but you have to hold it well!"

The little guy was held in Xiao Junyan's arms, his little hands were locked inside, and he waved happily, making a giggle.

Then a pair of little hands pulled this and stuffed it into his own mouth, and everyone couldn't help laughing.


"Hey, you can't eat this!" Mu Yue grabbed it quickly.

The little guy stretched out his little hand, babbling, trying to get back what belongs to him.

Mu Yue put it away and said, "Mommy will put it away for you!"

The little guy blinked, and then didn't ask for it anymore, he clenched his small hand into a fist, stuffed it into his mouth, and chuckled his "sugar fist".

Once again, everyone was stunned by the little guy's cute behavior, and many people around were all looking at it softly.

I finally saw the real face of this little guy, so cute.

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