Near the meal, Mu Haihua also brought Christopher Hampton and Howard Hawks to the banquet venue.

Everyone present saw Christopher Hampton's arrival with shocked expressions on their faces.

They didn't expect that Mu Yue invited Christopher Hampton to the little guy's birthday party, and, most importantly, Christopher Hampton actually accepted Mu Yue's invitation to the banquet.

This was the first time they saw Christopher Hampton in front of everyone after he came to China.

Since Christopher Hampton came to China, he has never showed his face outside, no matter what size banquet or invitation, he has never appeared.

However, he did appear today, and he still appeared at a little guy's full moon banquet, which definitely gave Mu Yue a lot of face.

"My God! This is Christopher Hampton, right?"

"Why is he here?"

"I remember that many people wanted to invite Christopher Hampton, but they were all turned down, and the invitation was sent, and they never attended!"

"That's right, people are not a bird at all! Unexpectedly, he would appear here!"

"The face is so great, is it because of Erye Mu?"

"How could it be possible! It must be Mu Yue!"

"Of course, I don't look at what Christopher Hampton came to China for, heal!"

"Oh, yes, yes, why did I forget about this? I must be treated by Mu Yue when I am sick. Mu Yue has given birth to a son. Can you please come to congratulate me personally!"

"Hey, it's amazing, this Mu Yue is really getting more and more capable!"

"Yes, there has never been a person from China that can allow these foreigners to come and participate in a banquet with such "honor and honor"!"

Everyone bowed their heads and talked, expressing shock and disbelief at the arrival of Christopher Hampton.

When this incident spreads out, it will definitely make a sensation in business and politics. This is Mu Yue's ability!

And Mu Yue saw Christopher Hampton. Although it was the first time he met, he recognized him at a glance and smiled and said, "Mr. Christopher, hello!"

Christopher smiled and shook hands with Mu Yue, and said, "Miss Mu, hello! It's an honor to be able to participate in your son's full moon wine!"

Mu Yue smiled and said thankfully, "Thank you Mr. Christopher for coming, this is an honor for my son!"

When talking to Christopher, she had already activated the power of her eyes, let's take a look at his condition first.

Sure enough, after seeing Christopher's physical condition, Mu Yue knew how to treat herself.

Now her cultivation level can definitely cure Christopher Hampton's disease easily.

"This is what I should do!" Christopher Hampton said with a smile, looking at Xiao Junyan who was standing next to Mu Yue and holding the little guy, and asked, "Is this the Linglang? How cute!"

Mu Yue nodded and introduced with a smile, "Yes, this is my son Xiao Yu, and this is my husband, Xiao Junyan."

Xiao Junyan nodded to Christopher, "Mr. Christopher, hello!"

"Hehe, I've seen Mr. Xiao a long time ago. Your son and your husband look so alike!" Christopher knew that Xiao Junyan was going to hold the little guy, and did not reach out to shake hands. He smiled and nodded with Xiao Junyan.

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