The whole city is full of little guys being held by Xiao Junyan, extremely excited.

"Papa!" The little guy's little hand patted the edge of the table, making a clear voice.

Mu Yue watched the little guy shooting vigorously, grabbed his little hand, and asked caringly, "Baby, doesn't it hurt?"

The little guy happened to be facing Mu Yue and saw his mother talking to him, and then he started to hug him. Ever since he came to this banquet venue, he has been hugged by his father. He is a little tired, so it is better for his mother to hug him.


However, Xiao Junyan pressed the little guy's moving limbs, "Don't move, your mother wants to eat! Eat well before hug you!"

The little guy's limbs were comfortable, and his big lovely eyes looked at Xiao Junyan. The big eyes flickered, one big and one small, looking at each other, seeming to be more advanced.

"Hahaha!" Seeing the actions of Xiao Junyan and the little guy, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Xiao Junyan turned to Mu Yue and said, "You eat first, I'll hold it!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and glanced at the little guy with wide eyes, only to find it funny.

These two fathers and sons seem to like to stare at each other very much!

Today is the little guy’s full moon wine, and the protagonist is this little guy.

The two old men stood on the rostrum and expressed their blessings to the little guy, and they also gave their gifts.

The little guy was very happy with the gifts of the two old men. He always giggled and gave out a crisp laugh, which amazed everyone present. This little guy is really different.

"This little guy is so cute!"

"As expected to be the son of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, he just feels different!"

"Indeed, compared with their son, that kid in our family is really far behind! Except for sleeping and crying every day, he has never been so easy to take!"

"Hey, this is really more than popular!"

Everyone commented on the little guy and expressed their opinions and appreciation.

When Mu Yue was eating seven or eight, the little guy was also hungry, his mouth was flat, and he started crying groaningly, his tears couldn't be shed, and he looked pitiful.

"Little baby, get hungry, mom will take you to drink milk!" Mu Yue hugged the little guy out of Xiao Junyan's arms with distress.

As soon as he was held in Mu Yue's arms, the little guy's little head shook in Mu Yue's arms, trying to find the source of his food.

Xiao Junyan stood up, but Mu Yue directly pressed him, "It's okay, let me come, you haven't eaten much so far!"

"It's okay, I'm not hungry, I'll be with you!" Xiao Junyan still stood up, and accompanied Mu Yue to leave the seat first to feed the little guy.

Everyone was amazed when watching Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue leaving their backs. They deserved to be a pair of golden boys and girls. They were still so affectionate. The dog food that was spread really made them too much to eat.

"Young Master Xiao is really gentle, why didn't I know before?!"

"Hey, the rumors are so terrible that I missed such a good man. This is simply a good man with twenty-four filial piety!"

"Hehe, come on, you? Xiao Shao's gentleness is only aimed at Mu Yue alone, so he won't look at you!"

"Damn it, are you looking for a fight? Can't you let me fantasize about it?"

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