Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3466: Go to Chinese Medicine Hospital 3

Christopher's treatment room has been prepared, and one wall is made of glass, which is convenient for those Western and Chinese medicine experts to observe Mu Yue's treatment.

Seeing Mu Yue's actions, several masters of Chinese medicine began to discuss each other.

"Acupuncture? Can acupuncture cure Christopher's disease?"

"I really don't know what this mysterious doctor's stunt is, if you can learn one or two, that would be great!"

"Yeah, I don't know if we can learn a little, if we can learn, that is our blessing!"

In the treatment room, Xiao Junyan helped Mu Yue start, lit the alcohol lamp, and removed all the disposable silver needles.

Mu Yue looked at Christopher with his upper body open, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and picked up the power in the body.

This power is the power of the fusion of Jiucai Shi and her body. It has a powerful and magical power that can remove toxins from the patient's body with the help of silver needles.

In this way, only Mu Yue can do it alone, and no one else can do it. Of course, this also includes Dongfang Sheng.

After Mu Yue adjusted the strength in her body, her wrist flicked, and the silver needle had fallen down quickly, accurately piercing the acupuncture points on Christopher's body.

However, a group of western medical experts outside the glass mouth did not see clearly, they saw that the silver needle in Mu Yue's hand had been pierced into Christopher's body.

Even the old Chinese doctors in the Chinese Medicine Hospital were somewhat outside, watching Mu Yue's treatment inside through the glass window.

When she saw Mu Yue's injection, she couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning.

"Fast speed!"

"It's really better to be famous than to meet. Today I can be regarded as a real experience!"

These old Chinese doctors had only heard of Mu Yue's reputation before, but they had not fully seen her take action. Even if they watched her take action, it was only when they were fighting against Korean Korean medicine.

But in this way, it was impossible to see Mu Yue's true ability.

They watched Mu Yue getting the needle at this time, but they didn't know how Mu Yue's treatment was different.

Just looking at it, they found that they couldn't study anything at all.

Just because they couldn't study, Mu Yue asked them to just watch her for treatment.

The acupuncture points where the silver needles fall are no different, but the most fundamental thing is that the power Mu Yue input into Christopher's body can eliminate the toxins in his body.

Mainly relying on the energy of the Nine Color Stones in her body, rather than the acupuncture techniques they were doing, the little abacus in their hearts could only be regarded as a failure.

Those western doctors were a little surprised and puzzled.

"Can this cure Mr. Christopher's disease?"

"This Mu Yue treatment method looks no different from the old Dongfang doctor!"

"Yeah! I don't know how it is treated!"

"If you don't understand or understand, is this Chinese medicine? It's really weird!"

These Western medical experts don't know Chinese medicine, so they don't know the different treatment methods between Mu Yue's silver needle and Dongfang Sheng. They all look the same.

Now, they can only wait for Mu Yue's treatment to end, what is the situation like?

In their hearts, they still hope that Mu Yue will fail, because in this way their Western medicine will not be stepped on by Chinese medicine.

If Chinese medicine treats their diseases that Western medicine hasn't cured, then they are simply hitting their faces.

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