Mu Yue's treatment of Christopher was also reported.

Even if those Western medical experts and Christopher's people do not spread, there are Chinese medical experts from the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and official personnel from Huaxia Kingdom.

They are eager to spread such good news.

Therefore, after Mu Haihua received the news, he immediately reported to the old man above, hoping that the good news would appear in today's evening paper.

After the old man heard about Mu Yue's treatment, he clapped his hands and praised Mu Yue's superb medical skills and did not shame them in China.

Therefore, regardless of whether the content of the evening paper has been finalized, let them typeset again to publicize Mu Yue's matter, and other matters can be postponed or changed to a smaller page.

The news gradually spread as the people above learned about it, especially after receiving the above order to rewrite a report about Mu Yue's treatment of Christopher Hampton's disease.

The people who were in this department were naturally very excited, and immediately spread the news.

"Damn, is it true? Is this news true?"

"That's right, is it so fast? It seems that Mu Yue only had a confinement yesterday, right? How come there will be results so soon?"

"Huh, what are you doing to lie to you? This is true. I don't believe it. You can read the evening paper. Now we have arranged for someone to write the report, and the layout has been rearranged!"

"Madan, so excited, why is Mu Yue so good? His medical skills are really comparable to Hua Tuo's rebirth!"

"Who said no, I heard that those western medical experts can't cure it!"

"Yeah, we didn't expect the effect to be so good. We planned to report again in two days, but we didn't expect to have such a good effect in one day. The typesetting was kept in a few days, but we didn't expect that today Knowing such a big news, reformat it!"

In fact, these departments have prepared this piece of content, but they all feel that Mu Yue does not produce results so quickly even in treatment.

Therefore, it has not been announced to the public that Mu Yue started to treat Christopher, and plans to announce some results after the treatment.

I thought that this kind of disease that Western medicine is helpless, even if it is treated by Mu Yue, it is not that fast, and the results will only be available in a few days or half a month. Therefore, the typesetting of the day was not prepared.

However, he didn't expect that Mu Yue's medical skills were so powerful, and he had such good results that day.

As a result, this has caused the major newspapers to temporarily send people to write the report after receiving the news, and then re-typesetting, and it is very busy.

No matter what, this is a matter of giving Huaxia Country a face, and other things can be stepped aside!

After all, so many Western medical experts from abroad could not cure Christopher Hampton, and Mu Yue was only on the first day of treatment. Only one day, one treatment had such obvious results.

This is simply a slap in the face of those western medical experts abroad!

Think about it, everyone feels so cool, so enjoyable, and let those western medical experts be arrogant!

The diseases that you can't cure now are treated by the pseudo-scientific Chinese medicine that you look down on in China.

No matter who it is, they feel that there is light on this matter. Although they have nothing to do with Mu Yue, they are all Chinese people and descendants of the dragon, and they are all face and light.

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