Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3476: Shocked expert doctor 1

The next day, Mu Yue arrived at the Chinese Medicine Hospital at almost ten o'clock.

Christopher Hampton was already waiting excitedly for Mu Yue's arrival.

Today, he would like to thank Mu Yue.

Coming to the corridor of Christopher Hampton’s ward, a group of Chinese medicine experts and Western medicine experts who were waiting outside greeted them with excitement.

"Doctor Mu, you are here!"

Mu Yue smiled and greeted everyone, "Hello everyone!"

Dean Yan said to Mu Yue excitedly, "Doctor Mu, your medical skills are really amazing, contemporary Hua Tuo!"

"Thank you for Dean Yan's praise, I just tried my best!" Mu Yue said with a humble smile.

Chen Yukun asked Mu Yue excitedly, "Mu Yue, how did you do it? I looked at your treatment method, and it seemed that there was no difference."

Mu Yue smiled and explained, “That’s because I used the legendary internal exercise method, which is Qigong, and used my internal qi to remove the tumor virus in Christopher’s body through the capillary holes. That's why it can have such a magical effect!"

"So it is!"

Hearing Mu Yue's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

However, they are still very curious and shocked about the legendary inner energy.

They didn't expect that this inner qi was really there, and Mu Yue in front of them had it.

"No wonder your face is so ugly at the end of the treatment. Is your internal energy exhausted?" Chen Yukun asked Mu Yue caringly and curiously.

Mu Yue nodded gently and said with a smile, "Naturally, yes. Actually, the effect of the treatment yesterday can be divided into three or four days. However, in order to let everyone see the effect faster, I consumed all of my body. The internal qi in the next treatment will not be so obvious, and it will take a little longer!"

She could only do this once, otherwise, the family alone would not agree with him to do this, Xiao Junyan also came with her, just to look at her and not allow her to work so hard.

Everyone nodded suddenly, but they didn't say much about it, as long as there is a therapeutic effect.

Mu Yue's effect yesterday may not be clearly seen today. After a few days, he will be able to see clearly.

"Even so, your medical skills have already shocked us!" Dean Yan exclaimed.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Miss Mu, I wonder if we have the honor and opportunity to learn Chinese medicine from you?" A western doctor in the western medicine expert group asked Mu Yue expectantly.

When I asked about this, I also asked everyone's heart.

Mu Yue looked down and thought for a while, and said, "I'm still a student for the time being, and I need to learn more!"

Hearing Mu Yue's answer, the faces of the Western medical experts and doctors all showed regret.

Seeing the expressions on everyone’s faces, Mu Yue smiled again and said, “However, I intend to establish a Chinese medical school for myself in the future. In the future, I will also give lectures in this school. At that time, if everyone wants to come It’s okay to attend class!"

The people who were a little depressed at first heard Mu Yue's words, and their hearts were filled with joy and excitement.

"Okay, thank you Dr. Mu!" The western medical expert listened to Qi Qi and said gratefully.

Mu Yue smiled and said with a reminder, "However, I still remind everyone that if you want to understand Chinese medicine and learn Chinese medicine, I still hope that you will take advantage of the time of the past few years to learn more the language of the Chinese nation!"

"Understand, we will learn Chinese first after we go back!"

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