Mu Yue saw Christopher first in the morning.

However, when I came to the Chinese Medicine Hospital today, I saw that there was a bit of excitement on this floor.

Mu Yue, who knew that some rich people had come to China for affairs, naturally knew that it was probably because those rich people had all been admitted to the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Originally, for Christopher's reasons, this whole floor was given to Christopher, and the other wards were vacant.

It's really not treating them differently, but it's that Chinese medicine is getting worse and worse. Those patients will not live in the Chinese Medicine Hospital, but go to the ward of the Western Hospital.

Therefore, it is very easy to vacate such a floor. In the end, a patient of Christopher will live on this floor directly.

And now it is convenient for these rich people, their identities are also special, so they also live in some other wards.

Those who came to China first, naturally lived in this ward first.

"Doctor Mu is here!"

"This is Dr. Mu Yuemu who treated Christopher!"

"My goodness, so young? Really? Can she really cure Christopher's disease?"

"Sure it was she who cured it? Not someone else?"

Some foreign western medical experts wearing white lab coats in the corridor expressed their shock and emotion after seeing Mu Yue's appearance.

Both Chen Yukun and Yan Ming were very excited and excited.

Because Mu Yue is the pride of their Chinese medicine community.

"Mu Yue, you are here!" Chen Yukun happily walked to Mu Yue and said, "Here..."

"Chairman Chen, I already know!" Mu Yue nodded and said, "I will be a little busy today. I think my second uncle has also told you about it. In addition to treating Christopher, I will also diagnose and treat the other five patients. I hope you will arrange it first! Arrange the first patient to come to China to see a doctor!"

After listening, Chen Yukun nodded quickly and let Yan Ming go down to make arrangements.

"I'll go and treat Mr. Christopher first!" Mu Yue glanced at the western medical experts. She didn't have time to talk to them. After curing these patients, she hurried home.

"Okay!" Chen Yukun nodded and took Mu Yue to treat Christopher first.

And those western medical experts who had just arrived in China wanted to ask Mu Yue various questions, which was stopped by Chen Yukun. For the time being, they were not allowed to disturb Mu Yue any more.

When Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan came to the ward, they saw that there were other strange faces in Christopher's ward.

A foreign youth with yellow hair in his thirties was talking and laughing with Christopher Hampton, and seemed to be talking about something.

When the door of the ward opened, Christopher Hampton saw Mu Yue's arrival with a bright smile on his face. He stood up and said, "Doctor Mu, you are here!"

Watching Christopher Hampton stand up, the young man sitting next to him also stood up, looking at Mu Yue with a careful look, with a bit of shock and curiosity on his face.

"Mr. Christopher!" Mu Yue greeted Christopher with a smile.

Christopher Hampton walked up to Mu Yue with a smile, and said, "Doctor Mu, I didn't expect you to come so early today!"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "I am a little busy today, and the tasks are a little heavy. Get out of the house early!"

"Come on, I will introduce you a friend!"

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