Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3504: See the doctor in order 2

Mu Yue glanced at Jasper and said with a smile, "Since I said that I will treat foreign patients who come to China, it will naturally be treated!"

When Christopher heard Mu Yue's words, he smiled and said, "Then thank Dr. Mu for the first time!"

Mu Yue said lightly, "Mr. Christopher, you also know that I still have children to take care of, so I can only treat up to five patients a day. I wonder if Mr. Jasper has contacted my second uncle first!"

"Contacted!" Christopher nodded and said, "Mr. Mu sent Jasper to the Chinese Medicine Hospital yesterday!"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "Well, I will discuss with my second uncle. If it is the top five, I will treat Mr. Jasper's son today. Since I have set the number, I can't break this rule casually! "

"Okay, yes!" Christopher nodded and turned to look at Jasper, "Jasper, don't worry, with Dr. Mu here, your son will definitely be fine!"

After Mu Yue's treatment, Christopher became a loyal fan of Mu Yue. He felt that there was no disease that Mu Yue could not cure, so he dared to slap his chest like this.

When Mu Yue heard this, she looked at Christopher amusedly, "Christopher, I can only say that I do my best. After all, I am not a **** and cannot cure all diseases!"

Jasper directly ignored Mu Yue's words, and solemnly said, "Doctor Mu, as long as you cure my son, I will definitely reward you with a lot of money!"

"I am also a mother with a son, and I don't want to see the child suffer. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help!" Mu Yue said with a faint smile.

Jasper nodded and said, "Doctor Namu, let me go and see my son first!"

"Wait first, I just said, I have to follow the order!" Mu Yue said lightly, turning his head to glance at Xiao Junyan who had already packed the outpatient box, and left the ward first.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan walked out of the ward, and many people at the door cast scorching gazes at her.

A young man in his thirties and wearing a suit walked up to Mu Yue, nodded slightly, and said, "Miss Mu!"

Seeing the youth, Mu Yue smiled and said hello, "Brother Qiu, why are you here? My second uncle didn't come, did you come?"

The young man in front of him is Mu Haihua's first secretary, Qiu Lianghui.

Qiu Lianghui smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, the boss is usually very busy, and this time is a temporary appointment, so the boss asked me to help you for a while today!"

For this task, Mu Haihua did not have his turn to do it, but because of Mu Yue's relationship, the superior gave this task and credit to Mu Haihua.

This is tantamount to increasing the workload of Mu Haihua, and Mu Haihua usually has many other tasks, which are left to his deputy Qiu Lianghui.

Yesterday, those patients arrived in China and were received by Mu Haihua. It was only during the day and there was a lot of work, so Qiu Lianghui was responsible for the reception.

Qiu Lianghui also knew that this task was the credit to the door, and it was also a time for him to expand his contacts and accumulate credit.

"Good!" Mu Yue nodded and said with a smile, "My second uncle should have told you that I only treat five patients a day, right?"

"Yes, I have already told me, the boss said in the order of arrival in China!" Qiu Lianghui nodded, took out a notebook, and said.

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