Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3507: Late stage of uterine cancer 2

Ada Cecil looked at Mu Yue expectantly, "Doctor Mu, since you know my wife's condition, can you treat it?"

He still hoped to hear some good news from Mu Yue.

Mu Yue thought for a while, nodded, and said, "I can treat, but your wife's condition is more serious than Christopher's, and the treatment period will be longer!"

"It's okay, as long as the disease can be cured!" Hearing Mu Yue's words, Ida Cecil nodded quickly, but then asked, "Doctor Mu, how do you treat it? How long will it take to heal? "

When Ada Cecil heard that Mu Yue said that he could cure his wife's illness, she was still extremely surprised, and her face was full of expectation.

"I need to give your wife acupuncture and moxibustion treatment with Chinese medicine first. To fully recover, it will take a year. However, I can guarantee that I can make your wife look like a normal person in half a year!" Mu Yue said confidently.

Ada Cecil and Jasper Kelly both showed shocked expressions on their faces.

Jasper asked Mu Yue in surprise, "Doctor Mu, what you said is true. Those western doctors say there is only half a year left, but you can make Mrs. Angelo look like normal after half a year!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, as to whether I can do it now, it depends on the first treatment I gave to Mrs. Angelo, but the results of the treatment are not as obvious as Christopher!"

Ida Cecil looked at Mu Yue expectantly, "Okay, then Dr. Laomu will come to treat my wife!"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "When I was treating, there should be no other people in this treatment room except my husband. If you want to see, you can only look at the glass window outside the treatment room!"

"Yes!" Ada Cecil said, "Then I will have someone send my wife to the treatment room first!"

"Yeah! Mr. Ada, you can make arrangements as soon as possible. I will go to the treatment room to prepare now!" Mu Yue nodded, turned and left the ward with Xiao Junyan and went to the treatment room.

Watching Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan leave the ward.

Ada Cecil quickly ordered her hands to arrange for her to find a doctor to send her wife Angelo to the treatment room.

"Mr. Qiu, is what Dr. Mu said is true?" Ada Cecil still asked Qiu Lianghui.

Qiu Lianghui smiled and comforted Ada Cecil, "Mr. Ada, don't worry, since Miss Mu has said these things, she will definitely do it. Failure to do so is to break her promise, whether it is to her or to her. Both his second uncle and the Huaxia Kingdom have a very serious influence, and they will not say these words casually!"

Ada Cecil was relieved to get Qiu Lianghui.

Jasper looked at Ada Cecil and asked, "Mr. Ada, I wonder if I can go in and see how Dr. Mu treats your wife?"

He still needs to see with his own eyes how Mu Yue is treated, is it really as magical as Christopher said.

Ada Cecil knew Jasper's meaning and purpose, and nodded, "Yes, let's go together! When Dr. Mu treats your son Milo, I also hope to let me watch!"

"Yes!" Jasper naturally wouldn't refuse and nodded.

Only after seeing Angelo's treatment did he decide whether to let Mu Yue treat his son.

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