Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3510: Let's learn Chinese first 2

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan walked out of the treatment room, and the new Western medical experts asked Mu Yue again.

"Doctor Mu, how did you treat Mrs. Angelo?"

"Doctor Mu, how is Madam Angelo's health?"

"Has Mrs. Angelo's been cured?"

Western medical experts, what you say to me are all asking Mu Yue one after another.

Mu Yue glanced at the western medical experts. They were all the latest to China, not the western medical experts in Christopher's medical team.

Since he is a newcomer, Mu Yue can only start again and say, "I said about my treatment methods, but you won't understand them, let alone how to treat them, so I'm just saying it for nothing!"

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as you talk to us about it!" And the Western medical expert said to Mu Yue unwillingly.

Mu Yue glanced at the talking western medical expert, and said in English, "When did you learn Chinese in China and when you learned about Chinese medicine, come and ask me again. If you want to explain, I will only explain me in Chinese. The principle of treatment, in this way, you don’t know what I mean!"

These western medical experts spoke English to her from start to finish. She also used English when communicating with them. However, she just didn't want to talk to them in English. The translator used English to speak Chinese medicine.

Since you want to know your own treatment methods, you should first learn the knowledge of Chinese medicine.

This sentence severely blocked the mouths of these guys.

A group of western medical experts only felt as if they had eaten a pile of shit, especially uncomfortable and aggrieved, very depressed.

People can't explain these principles to them in English, what can they say? Do not believe?

What should I do if I only need a sentence and I really don’t know how to translate it?

Xiao Junyan glanced coldly at the Western medical experts with very ugly expressions, a cold snort and mockery in his heart.

"Wife, let's go home!" Xiao Junyan walked to Mu Yue's side, put her arm around her shoulder, and said with concern.

Mu Yue nodded gently, leaned against Xiao Junyan's arms, and left the hospital.

Ada asked the people to come over to help Angelo clean his body, and the nursing staff came over and moved Angelo out of the treatment room to clean him first.

Howard Hawkes followed the western medical experts to Ada Cecil, "Mr. Ada, I don’t know if I can take the time to ask your wife, Mrs. Angelo, to check her body with us. See the first treatment?"

"Yes! Mr. Ada!" Other Western medical experts also nodded one after another, expressing their wishes.

Ida Cecil nodded when hearing these western medical experts, "Yes, wait for my wife to wash it before checking!"

He also asked Angelo just now, and her body has recovered a lot, not so tired and weak.

This also made Ada Cecil also want to know if Angelo's physical condition was really cured.

So these Western medical experts wanted to give Angelo a physical examination, and he naturally agreed without thinking about it.

These western medical experts were very pleased with Ada's approval, and they quickly found someone to arrange for Angelo's full physical examination first.

As for Angelo’s physical examination data, there was a check-up a few days before he came, so as long as you make a comparison, you can know whether Angelo’s condition has been cured.

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