Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3513: Congenital Heart Disease 2

"Doctor Mu, you are here!"

I saw Mu Yue’s treatment in the morning, and the patients and their families who were going to receive Mu Yue’s treatment this afternoon, Jasper was the first to go forward, with some expectation on his face, "Doctor Mu, I don’t know if you can give it to me. Has his son seen a doctor?"

Mu Yue nodded and said, "I have heard from Brother Qiu just now. I will show your son the condition first. I heard that your son has a congenital heart disease, which is not so easy to cure. I will give him first. Look at the condition! If it can be cured, I will cure it!"

Jasper nodded, "Okay, Dr. Mu, please here!"

For the four people who Mu Yue diagnosed and treated today, whoever came first and who was late, the four patients and their families were not in a hurry, but they all wanted to see Mu Yue's medical skills.

So, since Jasper stepped forward, no one else said, let's take a look at how Mu Yue is treated.

Mu Yue first went to Jasper's son Milo Kelly to see a doctor.

The little guy is chubby and looks very cute. He is sitting on the bed and playing with his toys excitedly. A woman with long golden wavy hair is standing by the bed, watching the little boy on the bed gently playing.

Mu Yue looked at the cute little guy on the bed, her eyes became gentle and loving.

She didn't feel this way when she was not a mother before. Since she became a mother, the motherly smell on her body has become stronger.

Jasper introduced Mu Yue, "Doctor Mu, this is my wife Anita Bennet, and my son, Milo Kelly, is two years old this year!"

He introduced to Anita, who had long wavy hair, "Anita, this is Dr. Mu!"

Anita showed a bit of shock on her face. She looked at Mu Yue's eyes with a bit of disbelief, but she stretched out her hand and shook hands with Mu Yue. He knew that Jasper would not lie to her, "Doctor Mu, Hello, nice to meet you, I heard that your medical skills are superb, and I hope you can save my child!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "I have just been a mother, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!"

"Then thank Dr. Mu!" Anita said gratefully.

Mu Yue walked to the bed, holding a puppet next to the bed, and said to the little guy Milo, "Xiao Miluo!"

The two-year-old Xiaomi Mi Luo could already understand a lot of words. He raised his head when someone called him and looked at Mu Yue.

Xiaomiluo blinked, saw Mu Yue, opened his hands, "Sister... hug!"

Mu Yue smiled and sat on the side of the bed, holding him in her arms, lowered her head to examine the little guy's body, and asked with a gentle smile, "Well, what a good boy! What's your name, little guy?"

"Miluo!" The little guy rubbed Mu Yue's arms, seemingly sticking to Mu Yue.

Both Anita and Jasper looked at their son Milo in amazement. They liked Mu Yue so much. They only met for the first time, right?

However, even if they were shocked, they didn't ask a question. They looked at Mu Yue expectantly, hoping that he could cure his son's illness.

Mu Yue carefully checked the body of the little guy in his arms.

Holding the little guy in her arms, she can't help but think of her precious son. If her son becomes like this, she will definitely feel distressed.

It's so pitiful that such a small child has to endure such pain.

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