Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3534: The little baby in the ward 2

After treating Angus, Mu Yue also had the opportunity to see her baby son, wanting to see how the little guy and Anita get along with them. After all, this little guy just hugged him, fearing that he would admit his birth.

After saying goodbye to Angus Moore, Mu Yue went to Xiaomiluo's ward.

However, at this time, the Xiaomiluo ward was extremely lively, and many patients' family members were also there.

Looking at them, Mu Yue's face also showed a somewhat surprised look.

At this time, the little guy who was being held in Adele's arms, with special sharp eyes, babbled toward Mu Yue when he saw Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled and walked in front of the little guy and hugged him in his arms. As soon as a certain little guy threw himself into Mu Yue's arms, he began to cry.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Mu Yue asked the little guy in her arms gently.

Angelo’s weak face was filled with a loving smile, and said, “It’s estimated that so many people are crying. Just watched him pitifully want to cry, but didn’t cry. As soon as I saw you, I cried. smart!"

Because of Mu Yue's treatment, her body has also improved a lot, so Ada pushed her wheelchair over to see the little guy.

Angelo, who originally wanted to rest, heard that Mu Yue brought the child over to take care of the child and let Anita take care of it, so she had to come and take a look.

It's a pity that her health is not good, so now she can only watch other people holding the little guy on the side, and she is also very itchy.

"Yes, the baby is so cute, and very smart!" Adele also smiled and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue gently patted the little guy on the back, so that he could not cry, "It's okay, Mommy is here!"

When I was in Mu's house, at least those people were familiar people, but the people here were all strangers. He didn't know him, and he couldn't bear to cry until now, which was considered pretty good.

Xiao Junyan took the napkin and helped the little guy wipe his tears and snot, and dug the little guy out of Mu Yue's arms, "I'll come on, you are a little tired, so go to rest first!"

But the little guy flattened his mouth, full of grievances, bad father, and robbed mommy with him.

Mu Yue touched the little guy's head, "Okay! Baby, stop crying, let Dad hug!"

The little guy was very aggrieved and buried his head in Xiao Junyan's arms. He was abandoned by his mom. Let him be sad!

"Mr. Xiao, you are amazing!" Jasper said admiringly as he watched Xiao Junyan take care of the little guy.

He hadn't held Xiao Junyan so proficiently in two or three months before the little guy, Xiao Miluo still kept crying.

"Yes!" The women in the ward nodded one by one, looking at Xiao Junyan with admiration, and then at the man next to him, their eyes were particularly disgusting.

Ada Cecil coughed, with a bit of embarrassment on her face. He is one of the examples. He rarely hugs their children, and they are all given to the nanny.

At this time, their son and daughter were still young and were still attending school in their own country, so they were not allowed to come.

"If it weren't for him, I would only have one or two patient visits a day!" Mu Yue smiled and looked at Xiao Junyan tenderly, her eyes full of love.

"Indeed, the child is still young, it's only a month, and I can't live without my mother!"

The mothers nodded in agreement, and the look in the little guy's eyes became more loving.

Because his mother was treating themselves and their relatives, and they didn't have time to take care of him, it's no wonder that Mu Yue wanted to bring him over to take care of him.

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