Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3538: Children's Day 3

When Xiao Junyan changed the little guy's diaper, the door bell rang.

Mu Yue hurried to open the door, and when he saw the people standing outside, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Master, why are you here? Come in quickly!"

The visitor was Mu Yue's Dongfangsheng, which surprised Mu Yue very much.

Dongfang Sheng smiled and said with emotion to Mu Yue, "Little Stone is celebrating Children's Day, so I will come and have a look. I haven't seen it for a long time. I miss it a little!"

When Mu Yue heard this, she also laughed. The master, like Mr. Mu and Mrs. Xiao, are very fond of little guys. The master who could not be seen for half a year always appears once a week just to see the little guys.

"It's changing diapers!" Dongfang Sheng said with a smile as he watched Xiao Junyan change the diapers of the little guy.

Xiao Junyan quickly helped the little guy change his diaper, picked him up, and called Dongfang Sheng, "Master!"

Dongfang Sheng nodded, walked in front of Xiao Junyan, patted his hands, "Little Stone, Master, come and hug!"

The little guy nestled in Dongfang Sheng's arms, kicking his legs wildly with excitement, babbling.

Dongfang Sheng smiled and hugged the little guy sitting on the sofa, and lit his little nose, "You stinky boy, you are really noisy, you must be a troublemaker in the future!"

Xiao Junyan nodded in agreement, and said in a rare voice, "In the future, the master will take care of it. If it's time to hit it, hit it!"

Hearing Xiao Junyan's words, everyone in the hall looked at him, and Dongfang Sheng also looked up at Xiao Junyan.

"Boy, it seems that you, I don't want to see you!" Dongfang Sheng smiled and said to the little guy.

However, the little guy pouted his own mouth, humming his nose, and his little head plunged into Dongfang Sheng's arms, leaving only Xiao Junyan's back.

"Hahaha..." Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw the little guy's appearance.

Although everyone felt that the talent of this little guy who was more than a month old was a bit too high, but thinking about the enchantment of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, they all directly ignored it.

The only thing he knew was that besides Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, there were only Dongfang Sheng and Mu Haixuan, who knew that it was because of the power of the nine colored stones in Mu Yue's body.

It's just that everyone tacitly didn't say it.

Looking at the little guy being teased by everyone, Mu Yue was a little sympathetic and pitiful. He diverted everyone's attention and asked curiously, "Master, do you know where Chinese medicinal materials are grown?"

Dongfang Sheng, who was teasing the little guy, heard Mu Yue's inquiry, looked up at Mu Yue, and asked incomprehensibly, "What are you asking for?"

After hearing this, Mu Yue told Dongfang Sheng about his establishment of a Chinese medicinal planting base, "That’s it. I have established a Chinese medicinal planting base and produced Chinese medicinal materials by myself, which not only guarantees the quality of Chinese medicinal materials. It also reduces the purchase cost of Chinese medicinal materials, and the prices of consumer goods can be easily controlled!"

Dongfang Sheng nodded when he heard Mu Yue's words.

He knew that Mu Yue used medical techniques and formulas to start a company, but he did not expect that she did so many things, and she also set up a Chinese medicinal planting base and planted Chinese medicinal materials by herself.

This can indeed reduce a lot of costs and ensure the quality of the medicinal materials.

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