Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3554: Famous at home and abroad 2

This news naturally also reached the Beijing University.

Especially the medical school, the Chinese medicine hospital and the western medical school, the students of the two colleges are almost two extremes.

School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I am naturally excited and excited.

Those professors and old Chinese medicine practitioners were in class and suddenly discovered that when the call was made, none of the students were skipping class, and they were listening very carefully in class.

Before, half of the students in this classroom were already pretty good.

However, the seats are now completely packed, and it is obvious that some students who are not Chinese medicine clinics still come in to attend the class.

For such a phenomenon, as a professor, I will naturally not refuse, but will be happy to see it happen.

After all, in modern society, very few students are interested in Chinese medicine.

Now I am very happy to see the school in such a booming situation. I just feel that the revival of Chinese medicine is hopeful!

And all of this is because of Mu Yue, and it is a good phenomenon that she brought, so that these old Chinese doctors are full of comfort.

The students of the Chinese Medicine School now look up when they go out. Especially when they see people they know from the Western Medicine School, they definitely have their heads up and their faces proud.

It used to be their western medical school students who were arrogant over there, now it is their turn to Chinese medicine.

"Hey, brother, have you read the newspaper published today! The newspaper today said that a wealthy man from abroad has cured his legs that were not cured by a foreign orthopedic expert. Tsk tusk tusk, that's amazing! Hey, what are you doing so fast? Don't go, I'm going to discuss with you the problems of orthopedics!"

"Oh, tusk tusk, I feel happy and proud to see our Chinese medicine practitioners appear in the newspaper every day, and they are still the headlines of the newspaper!"

"Now even the wealthy of Western countries don't believe in Western medicine, but instead believe in Chinese medicine in China. This proves that Chinese medicine is so powerful. The things left by our ancestors are precious!"

A few Chinese medicine students, holding a newspaper in their hands every day, dangled on the road outside the western medical school, chanting a few words in their mouths.

The western medical school students who were passing by, listened to the words of these Chinese medical school students. They only felt that their faces were burnt and their heads lowered lower. They quickly speeded up their steps and left, and went back to their dormitory first.

They only felt that it was better not to go out during this period of time. As soon as they went out, they felt that their face was hot and painful, as if they had been slapped a few times, which was too shameful.

Qiao Huan, the president of the Chinese Medicine Student Association, took advantage of this momentum to do a lot of activities about Chinese medicine.

The rapid development of Chinese medicine is spreading throughout the college.

Especially Mu Yue and Longteng Group, the entire capital of the students worshipped in their hearts, wondering if they could join the Longteng Group.

Or, can I learn from Mu Yue and create my own brilliance.

The school leaders of Jingcheng University also promoted vigorously, making Mu Yue a role model for all students.

There are very few students who have achieved such achievements in school. Many of them are famous after graduation. The school wants to promote it, but it is too much.

But Mu Yue was different. Although she had hardly come to school for a class, she still belonged to the students at school.

This is enough for the school to take Mu Yue's name and enhance their reputation and status.

Mu Yue immediately became the benchmark and goal for all students of Beijing University to learn from Mu Yue.

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