Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3566: Meeting of the Four Families of Guwu 1

Four major family meetings

The Nangong family, Shangguan family, Ouyang family, and Zhuge family, the main figures of the four major families gathered in the conference room.

The Nangong family was originally qualified to come, but was ordered by Nangong Linfeng to think behind closed doors and failed to come.

The four big families were sitting on the four sides, facing each other for a moment in silence.

Although everyone has met each other, everyone already knows things about the secular world, so at this time they don't know who should speak first.

In the end, it was Nangong Linfeng who spoke first, saying, "Everyone should have heard about the fighting power of the secular world. What do you think about the game between the ancient martial world and the secular world this time!"

The silence was broken, and the next words were opened.

Everyone consciously avoided the matter of Elder Ting, Nangong Yan, and Elder Qing who were held by Mu Haixuan.

"Let me talk about Jin'er from the Zhuge family of our family. His cultivation is still in the early stage of refining the Void and He Dao. Even if he leaves the customs, he will be stable at this level!" Patriarch Zhuge coughed and said first. Out of the strength of the family.

Patriarch Ouyang of the Ouyang family glanced at Patriarch Zhuge and said, "The highest cultivation level of our Ouyang family is only the peak of refining the gods and returning to the Void, which is not comparable!"

Nangong Linfeng nodded and said, "Neither of our Nangong family has a cultivation base that breaks through to Lianxu He Dao, just don’t know, what's the situation of Shangguan family? I heard that the grand elder’s grandson has already broken through Lianxu He Dao last year. Road!"

After being named, everyone turned their heads and turned their attention to the direction where the Shangguan family was sitting.

Shangguanxiang didn't speak, but the elder who spoke, frowned and said regretfully, "At most it can only be a little bit taller than Zhuge Jin!"

They thought that this time their Shangguan family could become the first among the four major families, because even if Zhuge Jin broke through to Lianxu Hedao, they also felt that they would be able to defeat him.

Before they got the news from the secular world, they were still proud of it, but it didn't take long for the situation to be proud, and they were splashed with cold water.

But looking at the current situation, it's very bad!

Xiao Junyan of the secular world has a higher cultivation base than any of them. Wouldn't this match mean that they had lost in the ancient martial arts world?

As long as the ancient martial arts world loses, then it means that they will surrender to the secular world in the future and accept the dictates of the secular world.

This is definitely not what they want to see.

When the elder Shangguan said this, everyone's expressions became a little ugly.

Suddenly, everyone just felt that a huge mountain was pressed on their shoulders, and they were a little out of breath.

Nangong Linfeng looked so heavy as the people who were not present, glanced at the people, and said, "This is the end, everyone should do what they should do, and do their best. Anyway, for such a situation, we have already It was expected, but, I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

When everyone heard the words, they only felt that their faces were a bit hot.

Although they all feel that the secular world is getting stronger and stronger, and sooner or later they will be swallowed up by the secular world.

However, I didn't expect it to be so fast.

Nangong Linfeng said what they didn't want to hear, which was tantamount to tearing his face.

The whole meeting room was suddenly silent.

At the same time, one person entered the Nangong family.

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