Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3570: Nangong Wanting's Killing Intent 2

Nangong Linfeng didn't know yet, someone in the family was about to kill Nangong Yuehua.

In the meeting room, everyone was at a stalemate because they could not help the Shangguan family.

"Now that we have reached the point where our lips are dead and our teeth are cold, do we still have to do our own things?" Shang Guanxiang glanced at the people, and said with a little annoyance, "Yes, this time we want everyone to help find the secular world and let them let them go. People from our Shangguan family, but if you don’t help our Shangguan family, then, when the game is over, then we are even less qualified to negotiate terms with the secular world!"

These words also caused Patriarch Zhuge and Patriarch Ouyang to frown together.

Nangong Linfeng shook his head and said, "I think you members of the Shangguan clan have not received any news. Our Nangong clan members have called Mu Haixuan. He said that he will give Elder Ting and Nangong a feast. Elder Qing and the others came back, but it must be after the game is over, everyone sits down and talks together!"

Regarding what Mu Haixuan said, the news that Elder Ting and the others will come back after the game is over, people in other families don't know, only Elder Nangong Yangchen and Ming.

Therefore, at this time, Nangong Linfeng will talk about it.

Nangong Linfeng glanced at the people and said, "I think the secular world has given us a lot of face. All they want is to listen. To understand our ancient martial world's punishment of sinners, isn't this also okay? "

Patriarch Zhuge touched his beard and nodded, "It's okay to listen in!"

Shangguanxiang frowned and looked at Nangong Linfeng, "Are you sure it's an observer, not a private decision? Seizure?"

Nangong Linfeng shook his head and said, "Of course, you can't say that you didn't express your opinion. If your Shangguan family wants to reduce the punishment to Elder Ting, then they will not sit idly by, and our Nangong family will only give Nangong a feast. The most severe punishment for the two elders is that they don’t know what you did!"

The seat of the young master heir of the Nangong Banquet has been cut off by Nangong Linfeng directly, faintly directing Nangong Yangchen as the young master.

This news, I believe everyone present has gradually learned a little.

For Nangong Banquet, it was more serious than any punishment.

Shangguanxiang lowered his head to ponder for a moment, and said, "Of course, our Shangguan family will not do such a shameful thing. We will punish whatever we should do!"

"That's it?" Nangong Linfeng nodded and said, "As for the whole story, we don't know the specifics. We can send someone to investigate first, but for this discussion, we can wait until people from the secular world arrive. We in the ancient martial arts world, ask them about their situation!"

"Patriarch Nangong is a good suggestion, so let's do it!" Patriarch Zhuge nodded and decided directly, then turned to ask Patriarch Ouyang, "Patriarch Ouyang, what do you think?"

Patriarch Ouyang also nodded and said, "Well, I also think this is fine. At that time, the four major families of the ancient martial arts and the secular world will interrogate and punish together. This is the best, Shangguan Patriarch, what do you think? "

The members of the Shangguan family only felt suffocated, failing to achieve their goals.

"Yes!" Shang Guanxiang saw that the three major families of the four major families had already made such a decision, and he had no way to object, so he could only agree.

"Then come here, let's end the meeting!"

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