Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3597: Development of Huafeng Video 3

"Do you want to talk to Mu Dong about this matter?" Su Mu asked Mo Lieye with concern.

Mo Lieye thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, talk about it!"

After speaking, he called Mu Yue.

Mu Yue was breastfeeding the little guy, when she received a call from Mo Lieye, she put it in her ear, "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Mu Dong, I have something to ask your opinion!" Mo Lieye explained.

Mu Yue smiled at the corner of her mouth and nodded, "Okay, yes, um, let's set another rule. If you don't apply for an account, you can only watch the first five minutes. If you apply for an account, just watch it all! Set again! One, if you bind ID card and other information, you can read the content of the next day in advance!"

"This is OK!" Mo Lieye listened to Mu Yue's suggestion, with a bright smile on his face.

Mu Yue said to Mo Lieye again, "According to the previous setting, each person's ID can only be bound to two accounts!"

"Yeah!" Mo Lie nodded and said with a smile, "I will make arrangements!"

"Now, don’t upload all of the TV series that are close to you at once. Just upload them one by one according to your settings. However, for movies, you don’t have to worry about so many. Now you can upload one every week and weekend. , Before you upload, you can announce the following movies and TV series to upload in advance, and attach some of the content!"

"Okay, I get it!" Mo Lieye listened, and the smile on his face widened, "Mu Dong, you have more ideas, we mentioned a little bit, and you mentioned so much all at once! I feel that , The heads of us are no better than you!"

After Mu Yue listened to it, she could only laugh a few times. She couldn't say that she had already worked out the operation mode from the future video website, right?

"Don't flatter you, do your own thing quickly!" Mu Yue reminded Mo Lieye in an angry tone.

Mo Lieye nodded, "Okay, I'll order it right away!"

He hung up Mu Yue's cell phone and said to everyone, "You have heard what Mu Dong said just now, hands-free. Anything else needs to be added?"

"No!" Several people shook their heads and said.

Mo Lieye laughed and said, "Well, let's arrange it like this, but I look forward to our video site getting better and better!"

Thinking about it, everyone's enthusiasm is getting stronger and stronger, and I just think the future development will get better and better.

"Yun Qing, how is your shopping website?" Mo Lieye asked concerned.

Mu Yunqing stretched out his hands helplessly, and said, "I have tried my best. We are setting a precedent for this kind of thing. Therefore, it is very troublesome and difficult to make. Therefore, I can only explore it slowly, but recently it has been a lot of trouble. There are great results. As long as you catch a little bit, it will be very convenient to get it later, and the speed can be accelerated."

"Yeah!" Mo Lie nodded at night.

Now that the development of video websites is so good, he believes that shopping websites will get better and better in the future.

Thinking about it, in the future, as long as you can buy what you want on your computer, that is definitely a very cool thing.

"The video website has been temporarily stable. Let's do it for now. Everyone try their best to invest in e-banking and shopping websites!" Mo Lieye said to Mu Yunqing and the others, "Now the recruitment of employees should not stop, Yunqing, you Not very good at selling, choose one to be your deputy!"

"it is good!"

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