Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3606: The reluctant elders 3

In the evening, Mu Yue prepared something again to see if there was anything missing.

Xiao Junyan took a few pieces of his own clothes and put them in the suitcase, and asked concerned, "Are there anything else I need to bring?"

"It's almost there!" Mu Yue shook his head and asked with concern, "Are your things ready?"

"Well, let me take a few more!" Xiao Junyan put a few more clothes into the suitcase.

Mu Yue nodded and asked, "How many more shoes do I need to bring?"

"Isn't there in the space? It's okay anyway!" Xiao Junyan shook his head and said with a smile.

Mu Yue chuckled lightly and nodded, "Well, I brought washing powder and other things. You will be responsible for washing the clothes by then!"

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded, grabbing Mu Yue's shoulders with both hands, "After this time, don't be so tired anymore, okay?"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Well, it's only once, not anymore!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue into his arms, "After the mother-in-law's body is cured, we will get married, and I will take you to your honeymoon!"

A strong feeling of joy and love flashed through Mu Yue's eyes, leaning against Xiao Junyan's arms, and nodding, "Okay!"

"Without the little bun!" Xiao Junyan added again.

Mu Yue grinned and looked up at someone who was starting to be jealous over there again, "You, don't be jealous of your own son!"

Xiao Junyan snorted, and said disgustedly, "What's wrong with my son? From now on, that will also belong to another woman. You can only be mine forever!"

Mu Yue chuckled lightly, a little helpless and funny, Xiao Junyan would dislike his son only when he was involved.

However, when I met others, I loved Xiao Baozi very much.

From the fact that he changed Xiao Baozi's diapers, took a bath, and so on, it could be seen that Xiao Junyan loved his son.

"Okay, take a good night's sleep tonight. Tomorrow we will go to the mountains. We will be very tired. When that happens, you will have to hold the little bun every day!" Mu Yue gently pushed Xiao Junyan, reminding him.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "Well, I know!"

"These things will be taken out tomorrow. You will fix them all. I'll take a bath first!" Mu Yue pushed Xiao Junyan away and turned to take her pajamas and go to the bathroom to take a bath.

Xiao Junyan watched Mu Yue enter the kitchen with a hot light in her eyes, but she was still suppressed. He turned around and prepared the suitcase first, and put them in a certain place.

The little bun is leaving. In the past few days, she didn't live in the same room with Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, but was taken away by her grandmother Tang Yalan and went to bed together.

Xiao Junyan was eager for this, and hoped that Xiao Baozi would always sleep with Tang Yalan instead of sleeping with them in the future.

In this way, he can live with Mu Yue in the two-person world. After all, as long as there is a little bun, the two of them are restricted and very uncomfortable.

Mu Yue took a bath, washed her hair and came out. Seeing that Xiao Junyan was ready, she took out the hair dryer and plugged it in.

"Come here!" Xiao Junyan smiled softly at Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and went to the dressing table to let Xiao Junyan blow her hair.

The life of two people does not have to be vigorous. Sometimes, plain and warm is the real life, which everyone hopes for.

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