After a short rest in the afternoon, everyone set off again, but it was dark before reaching the destination.

To reach the destination, it will take another three or four hours to drive.

If you drive overnight, you can, but it must be on a good road. However, even if there are car lights in this mountain, it won’t work.

For safety's sake, it was still dark, so everyone found a place where they could sleep on the street and **** the tent first.

Xiao Junyan, Ye Tianming, and Mu Yu, who often had tasks outside, took over the task of setting up a tent.

On the other hand, Qichuan went to find some dried firewood around, and Mu Haixuan went to hunt game, while Dongfang Sheng and Mu Yue stayed to prepare dinner.

Although Mu Yue wanted Dongfang Sheng to rest, Dongfang Sheng still refused. Everyone was busy. He was an old man who could not do it, so he also helped.

Moreover, his craftsmanship is also top-notch, but he taught Mu Yue the medicinal diet.

Mu Yue alone has to do everyone's food, and to carry water, and this water comes from space.

The little bun was initially held by Dongfang Sheng, but after the first tent was completed, he was put into the tent.

The little bun who was placed in the tent turned around, and then used his limbs to get up.

Because I was worried that the little buns would run around, the tent was pulled up by a zipper.

But, where can this be a rare little bun?

After studying for a while, Xiao Baozi closed the zipper, revealing a small hole, and his small head got out of the hole.

With a pair of big dark eyes, he turned his head and looked around, and saw the busy figures of everyone, with a bright smile on his small face.

Then, a certain little bun, twisting his chubby body, got out of that little hole.

The zipper was very good, and it was twisted and twisted by the little bun, and he was directly squeezed out.

"Ah!" As soon as the little bun squeezed out, he fell into a shit.

The movement of the little bun attracted everyone's attention and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Mu Yue saw that the little bun had come out of the tent, his eyes stared, and he quickly put down the knife in his hand and ran over, "What's the matter?"

Everyone also ran to the little buns who were sitting on the ground one after another, their mouths flattened, tears like golden beans gushing from their eyes and falling down.

Xiao Junyan was the closest to the little bun, and with quick skill, he was the first to fish the little bun from the ground and hugged him in his arms.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Junyan looked worriedly at the little bun with a messy face.

The little bun was crying loudly, his little head leaped into Xiao Junyan's arms, that aggrieved energy, don't mention it.

"How about it, are you okay?" Mu Yue also walked over and asked Xiao Junyan caringly, checking the little bun in his hand.

Xiao Junyan shook his head, comforting Mu Yue, "It's okay, it's just a fall and frightened!"

After hearing this, Mu Yue also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, took out the tissue, and helped wipe off the dirt on Xiao Baozi's face.

Fortunately, the ground is soft, and there are weeds. The force of the pounce is not very heavy. At most, there are some red marks on the small face, but the skin is not scratched.

"Deserve it! See if you dare to mess around next time!" Mu Yue lightly patted Little Bun's **** without curiosity. This stinky boy was really worried about her.

Fortunately, it's okay, otherwise, if you get hurt, you will really feel distressed.

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